
Pipistrel selects Honeywell’s advanced flight control technology for its Nuuva V300 unmanned cargo aircraft

Pip­istrel has select­ed Honeywell’s Com­pact Fly-By-Wire sys­tem for its Nuu­va V300 unmanned aer­i­al vehi­cle (UAV), say­ing its proven archi­tec­ture is ‘ide­al­ly suit­ed for the autonomous air­craft’.

Nuu­va V300 is a long-range, large-capac­i­ty, autonomous UAV which will take off and land ver­ti­cal­ly with bat­tery pow­er. When announc­ing this series of air­craft, Pip­istrel said it aims to dis­rupt aer­i­al car­go trans­porta­tion by com­mer­cial­is­ing the use of eVTOL air­craft, with the Nuu­va fam­i­ly com­bin­ing ‘the best of both aero­plane and heli­copter air car­go trans­porta­tion prin­ci­ples’.

It can car­ry loads up to 300 kilo­grams (around 660 pounds) for more than 300 kilo­me­ters (around 186 miles), mak­ing it an ide­al solu­tion for deliv­er­ies to areas tra­di­tion­al­ly acces­si­ble only by heli­copter. As the Nuu­va V300 does not require a run­way, oper­at­ing costs are also sig­nif­i­cant­ly low­er than heli­copters.

Ivo Boscarol, Founder and CEO of Pip­istrel Group, said: “After years of excel­lent coop­er­a­tion in the Urban Air Mobil­i­ty sec­tor, we chose to work with Hon­ey­well in the devel­op­ment of the Nuu­va V300 as well.

“We see this car­go air­craft paving the way for the pas­sen­ger-car­ry­ing Pip­istrel 801, our pro­posed air taxi for Uber Ele­vate, as both air­craft share sim­i­lar archi­tec­tures. Honeywell’s exper­tise and the proven capa­bil­i­ties of its Com­pact Fly-By-Wire sys­tem will pro­vide air­lin­er lev­els of safe­ty for our nov­el air vehi­cles.”

Fly-by-wire com­put­ers act as the ‘brains’ of an aircraft’s flight con­trols by oper­at­ing them elec­tron­i­cal­ly and can be found inside near­ly all large fixed-wing air­craft today.

The com­pact ver­sion from Hon­ey­well has fea­tures derived from decades of exper­tise in fly-by-wire sys­tems for air­lin­ers, but much small­er — rough­ly the size of a paper­back book.

It is intend­ed for small­er autonomous car­go and urban air mobil­i­ty vehi­cles and adds sta­bil­i­ty and per­for­mance by dri­ving flight con­trols elec­tri­cal­ly, with­out heavy hydraulics, con­trol cables or push rods.

Stéphane Fymat, Vice Pres­i­dent and Gen­er­al Man­ag­er, Unmanned Aer­i­al Sys­tems (UAS)/UAM, Hon­ey­well Aero­space, added: “One of the tough­est chal­lenges logis­tics com­pa­nies face today is meet­ing the demand for same-day deliv­ery. Vehi­cles like Pipistrel’s Nuu­va V300 are going to be a real break­through in the race to solve this prob­lem.

“We lis­tened to our cus­tomers and built a prod­uct that meets the unique needs of this seg­ment, and we’re extreme­ly proud that our Com­pact Fly-By-Wire sys­tem will be guid­ing these vehi­cles as they take to the skies.”

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Jason Pritchard

Jason Pritchard is the Editor of eVTOL Insights. He holds a BA from Leicester's De Montfort University and has worked in Journalism and Public Relations for more than a decade. Outside of work, Jason enjoys playing and watching football and golf. He also has a keen interest in Ancient Egypt.

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