Ravn Alaska places 50-strong order with Airflow for its eSTOL aircraft, to be used for its flights across the US state
Airflow will supply 50 eSTOL aircraft to Ravn Alaska after signing a Letter of Intent with the Anchorage-based regional airline, taking its total order book to more than $200 million.
The company — started by five former members of the Airbus Vahana programme — confirmed it is developing its full-scale demonstrator earlier this year, which is expected to go into production by 2025.
On its website, there are two aircraft — the Model 100 which has a payload of 500lbs plus cargo and range of 250 miles plus reserves. The Model 200 aircraft can transport 2,000lbs of cargo a range of 500 miles plus reserves. The press release hasn’t disclosed which aircraft will be delivered to Ravn Alaska.
Marc Ausman, CEO and co-founder of Airflow, said: “From logistics carriers to passenger airlines we hear loud and clear that demand is on the rise. At Airflow, we’re partnering with companies that seek to add new aircraft with new capabilities to their fleets that are flexible, cost-effective, and carbon-neutral.
“The Airflow team has designed, built, and flown new aircraft on rapid timescales together before, and now we’re applying those learnings to an aircraft that will improve operating economics for airlines and contribute positively to reducing aviation’s carbon impact.”
Airflow has said its eSTOL solution can save an estimated 1.2 GT of CO2 by 2050, while its engineering and manufacturing facilities exceed the highest Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design standards (LEED) standards, which will save more than 4.2 million lbs of CO2.
Ravn Alaska links more than 14 communities in the US state, operating a fleet of De Havilland Dash 8–100 aircraft from Anchorage and flying to destinations including Kenai, Homer, Valdez, Aniak, Unalakleet and Saint Paul Island. By switching to electric aircraft, the company will benefit from lower operating costs, reduced noise signatures and increased routes with new aircraft using electric propulsion technology.
Rob McKinney, CEO of Ravn Alaska, said: “As a regional operator, we are committed to serving the many large and small communities of Alaska. That means we are constantly seeking out new ways to deliver the best value and experience for Alaskans.
“With Airflow, we benefit from the new capabilities the aircraft offers that open up new and different destinations, the constantly improving efficiencies of electrification, and alignment between our fleet and the rising demands of our customers to travel with the smallest carbon footprint possible.”