
EHang conducts first flight demo in Indonesia to showcase aerial sightseeing capabilities of its 216 eVTOL aircraft

EHang’s 216 eVTOL air­craft has com­plet­ed a five-minute flight demon­stra­tion for aer­i­al sight­see­ing at the Vil­la Black­stone Beach in Bali, Indone­sia.

The demon­stra­tion flight — which is the first con­duct­ed by EHang in the coun­try — was done in coop­er­a­tion with Indone­sian local part­ner Pres­tige Avi­a­tion, a sub­sidiary of Pres­tige Corp. 

Pri­or to the flight demo, the Direc­torate Gen­er­al of Civ­il Avi­a­tion of the Repub­lic of Indone­sia issued the Spe­cial Cer­tifi­cate of Air­wor­thi­ness for the EHang 216 AAV, enabling it to be Indonesia’s first pas­sen­ger-grade AAV approved for a pub­lic unmanned flight demo. 

Hu Huazhi, founder, chair­man and CEO of EHang, said: “The suc­cess­ful flight demo ful­ly show­cased EHang 216’s poten­tial for effi­cient island hop­ping and air trans­porta­tion. We are pleased to join hands with Indone­sian local part­ners to bring our lead­ing AAVs and UAM solu­tions to Indone­sia, one of the most promis­ing UAM mar­kets in South­east Asia.

“Our glob­al net­work of renowned and reli­able part­ners con­tin­ues to expand, and we believe this is a sig­nif­i­cant step for our sus­tain­able, con­sis­tent suc­cess. We look for­ward to long-term busi­ness devel­op­ment prospects in Indone­sia.”

VIP guests who wit­nessed the flight demo include Bam­bang Soe­satyo, Chair­man of the Indone­sian Peo­ple’s Con­sul­ta­tive Assem­bly, Putu Astawa, Head of the Bali Tourism Office and Rudy Sal­im, CEO and Founder of Pres­tige Corp. 

Soe­satyo said, “We are enter­ing a new chap­ter of trans­porta­tion. As a mod­ern trans­porta­tion solu­tion, EHang 216 will change our lifestyle in the future.” 

Sal­im added: “Pres­tige Avi­a­tion aspires to be the pio­neer to pro­vide smart city inno­va­tions with dig­i­tal-based trans­port imple­men­ta­tion. As an AAV, EHang 216 can become an effec­tive, afford­able mobil­i­ty and effi­cient solu­tion for Indone­sian air mobil­i­ty.” 

As well as Indone­sia, EHang has con­duct­ed mul­ti­ple flights across the Asia-Pacif­ic region with oth­er coun­tries includ­ing main­land Chi­na, Japan and South Korea. In Sep­tem­ber, it dis­played its long-range VT-30 eVTOL air­craft as part of a glob­al debut in an unveil­ing cer­e­mo­ny before the 13th Chi­na Inter­na­tion­al Avi­a­tion and Aero­space Exhi­bi­tion.

In Europe, the com­pa­ny is work­ing with the Span­ish Police to explore use cas­es for emer­gency and secu­ri­ty case sce­nar­ios, and its 216 AAV and Fal­con logis­tics mod­el com­plet­ed BVLOS flights in Esto­nia as part of the Euro­pean Union’s GOF 2.0 Inte­grat­ed Urban Air­space Val­i­da­tion project.

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Jason Pritchard

Jason Pritchard is the Editor of eVTOL Insights. He holds a BA from Leicester's De Montfort University and has worked in Journalism and Public Relations for more than a decade. Outside of work, Jason enjoys playing and watching football and golf. He also has a keen interest in Ancient Egypt.

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