
Lilium files 37 new European patent applications for the core technology around its Lilium Jet

Lil­i­um has announced 37 new patent appli­ca­tions which have been pub­lished by the Euro­pean Patent Office (EPO).

These are engi­neer­ing inven­tions for the core tech­nol­o­gy around the Lil­i­um Jet, span­ning sev­er­al domains: Ener­gy, Propul­sion, Struc­tures and Inte­ri­or, Avion­ics and Cus­tom Elec­tric, with Lil­i­um focus­ing more than 70% of its patents on Ener­gy and Propul­sion.

These patents are part of a batch of 50 patents Lil­i­um filed through­out 2021, with more to come in the next year. 

If accept­ed, these appli­ca­tions with the EPO will secure Lilium’s intel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty in Europe, and Lil­i­um is also extend­ing patents in oth­er key mar­kets, includ­ing the US and Chi­na, to pro­tect its inven­tions.

Lil­i­um co-founder and CEO Daniel Wie­gand said: “We are excit­ed that Lil­i­um is cre­at­ing and pro­tect­ing the rad­i­cal engi­neer­ing inno­va­tions that make its Jet unique. 

“The appli­ca­tions serve as a tes­ta­ment to our engi­neers’ inge­nu­ity and com­mit­ment to push­ing the lim­its of tech­nol­o­gy, and rein­forc­ing Lilium’s place at the fore­front of eVTOL devel­op­ment. 

“These patent fil­ings move us one step clos­er to com­mer­cial­iza­tion of the Lil­i­um Jet, but they also stand to strength­en inno­va­tion in the avi­a­tion indus­try as a whole, with areas like ener­gy need­ing con­stant invest­ment in nov­el and sus­tain­able sys­tems and tech­nolo­gies.”

Last month, Lil­i­um suc­cess­ful­ly com­plet­ed the sec­ond Design Organ­i­sa­tion Approval (DOA) audit by the Euro­pean Union Avi­a­tion Safe­ty Agency (EASA), which achieves type cer­ti­fi­ca­tion of an air­craft, and com­ple­tion of the audit demon­strates that Lil­i­um is fol­low­ing the rig­or­ous design process­es agreed with EASA. 

Two fur­ther EASA DOA audits will be required for Lil­i­um to receive the organ­i­sa­tion­al approval, which com­ple­ments the cer­ti­fi­ca­tion and devel­op­ment pro­gram, with the fourth and final EASA DOA audit and grant­i­ng of EASA DOA antic­i­pat­ed to coin­cide with type cer­ti­fi­ca­tion of the Lil­i­um Jet. 

Ear­li­er last month, Lil­i­um sub­mit­ted a full set of ‘Means of Com­pli­ance’ pro­pos­als to EASA for type cer­ti­fi­ca­tion of its Lil­i­um Jet to pre­pare the way for the next phase of type cer­ti­fi­ca­tion. 

EASA’s type cer­ti­fi­ca­tion process con­sists of tech­ni­cal famil­iari­sa­tion and cer­ti­fi­ca­tion, estab­lish­ment of the cer­ti­fi­ca­tion pro­gramme and com­pli­ance demon­stra­tion, with Lil­i­um com­plet­ing the first step and receiv­ing its EASA cer­ti­fi­ca­tion basis (CRI-A01) in 2020.

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Jason Pritchard

Jason Pritchard is the Editor of eVTOL Insights. He holds a BA from Leicester's De Montfort University and has worked in Journalism and Public Relations for more than a decade. Outside of work, Jason enjoys playing and watching football and golf. He also has a keen interest in Ancient Egypt.

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