
Best eVTOL Stock to BUY During June: Blade a Cut Above the Rest

While much has been writ­ten on Joby, Archer, Ver­ti­cal Aero­space and more recent­ly Eve about their Stock Mar­ket long-term hold invest­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties, there is one share that lies under the radar which some believe is a cut above the rest.

Tarik Pierce, founder and CEO of finan­cial web­site, Investor Trip, who is a top ranked investor on Tip Ranks with a 70 per­cent suc­cess rate of prof­itable trades and a 4.8 star rat­ing, believes not only will eVTOL stocks “be huge” in the future, but that Blade Air Mobil­i­ty (BLDE) is an inte­gral one to buy for your port­fo­lio. Pierce’s invest­ment strat­e­gy con­sists of invest­ing in growth com­pa­nies “that he loves and under­stands.” He believes this share “could pro­duce 10x gains over the next few years.”

Tarik Pierce

Blade is a glob­al urban air mobil­i­ty plat­form with its HQ in New York, USA. Found­ed in 2014, it went pub­lic in May, 2021 through a SPAC merg­er with Expe­ri­ence Invest­ment Corp.

Its plat­form allows pas­sen­gers, via a 3rd par­ty app, to pri­mar­i­ly book short-dis­tance heli­copter flights through­out the U.S to avoid con­gest­ed ground traf­fic and save time. Think Uber for heli­copters. Blade can trans­form a high­ly con­gest­ed 2‑hour dri­ve in NYC to a 5‑minute heli­copter trip.

The com­pa­ny is able to pro­vide flights from Man­hat­tan to JFK for USD195 as well as an inte­grat­ed ser­vice. This price is cheap­er than call­ing an Uber black. You can book the flight 20 min­utes before take­off, sig­nif­i­cant­ly increas­ing effi­cien­cy and flex­i­bil­i­ty for cus­tomers. Apart from book­ing, the mobile app also offers, sched­ul­ing, com­mu­ni­ca­tion and track­ing. Blade pro­vides pri­vate ter­mi­nals and lounges for cus­tomers as well as bag­gage han­dling and increased secu­ri­ty.

While Blade is con­sis­tent­ly grow­ing rev­enue year-on-year (YoY), the real­ly excit­ing news is that it plans to expand with the addi­tion of an all-elec­tric, car­bon-neu­tral elec­tric air­craft fleet dur­ing 2024. Its pri­ma­ry future focus is on EVA (elec­tric ver­ti­cal air­craft).

In prepa­ra­tion, Blade has gone on a spend­ing spree since going pub­lic and made five acqui­si­tions.

: Trin­i­ty Air Med­ical, a mul­ti-modal organ logis­tics and trans­porta­tion com­pa­ny, to expand Blade’s present Med­i­Mo­bil­i­ty busi­ness, which has been grow­ing over 60 per­cent YoY. By replac­ing ambu­lances with heli­copters, this pre­pares the next tran­si­tion in a few years to eVTOLs, where most hos­pi­tals already have exist­ing land­ing pads.

: Bought Helijet’s sched­uled pas­sen­ger busi­ness in Cana­da. This allows Blade to on-board more cus­tomers and have access to pas­sen­ger ter­mi­nals at con­ve­nient­ly locat­ed heli­ports in Cana­da, which allows them to increase their infra­struc­ture foot­print.

: Acquired three Europe-based air mobil­i­ty oper­a­tors Monacair SAM, Héli Sécu­rité and anoth­er undis­closed lead­ing heli­copter oper­a­tor in the South of France. The acqui­si­tion enables Blade to cre­ate brand­ed pas­sen­ger ter­mi­nals at over 10 air­ports, heli­ports and ver­ti­ports that already exist or are under devel­op­ment through­out Europe.

Blade earned USD67.2 mil­lion in rev­enue (up 156 per­cent YoY) in 2021 and turned a small prof­it of USD770,000 in Q4 ’21. This was fol­lowed with its Q1 2022 report last month that shows an increas­ing­ly rich vein of growth. The com­pa­ny report­ed rev­enue of USD26.6 mil­lion, up 187 per­cent YoY from USD9.3 mil­lion. Med­i­Mo­bil­i­ty organ trans­port rev­enues increased 186 per­cent YoY from USD7.7 mil­lion to USD22.1 mil­lion. Short dis­tance rev­enues increased 300 per­cent YoY from USD1.1 mil­lion to USD4.4 mil­lion.

As Blade is invest­ing heav­i­ly in expan­sion, net loss­es not sur­pris­ing­ly, increased to USD11 com­pared to USD 4.2 mil­lion from the pri­or year, while oper­at­ing cash flow went from neg­a­tive USD0.6 mil­lion to neg­a­tive USD10 mil­lion. Although, the com­pa­ny end­ed the quar­ter with a strong bal­ance sheet of USD269 mil­lion in cash and only USD960 thou­sand in debt. The com­pa­ny expects to reach USD825 mil­lion in rev­enue by 2026, pro­vid­ing a con­ser­v­a­tive val­u­a­tion of around USD8-10 bil­lion with­in the next 4 years.

The com­pa­ny cur­rent­ly trades at an attrac­tive price to sales ratio of around 7, which is well below many growth stocks, at present.

While the share price has fall­en sig­nif­i­cant­ly in recent months like all its eVTOL-relat­ed brethren (-43.78 per­cent in the past 6 months) and present­ly trades at USD5.29 (June 15th), for the brave this is a cheap and under­rat­ed stock to buy.

Unlike Joby, Archer, Lil­i­um, Ver­ti­cal Aero­space Eve etc.. Blade Air Mobil­i­ty is already attract­ing seri­ous rev­enue streams. Mov­ing in to the EVA mar­ket come 2024 is the cher­ry on top, where the company’s tran­si­tion from heli­copters to eVTOLs is being pre­pared and, most impor­tant­ly, much of its infra­struc­ture is already laid out where exist­ing heli­ports trans­form into ver­ti­ports. Of course, the tran­si­tion’s suc­cess relies on the all-impor­tant basis that some eVTOL com­pa­nies will have gained full cer­ti­fi­ca­tion by then.

This is an excit­ing stock to con­sid­er for your port­fo­lio.

For more infor­ma­tion


(Pics: Blade Air Mobil­i­ty)

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