
Watch Video: Excellent Fox Business Interview with Vertical Aerospace CEO, Stephen Fitzpatrick

The Ver­ti­cal Aero­space (VA) full-size VX4 not only wowed the Farn­bor­ough crowd as well as impress­ing the media, but it’s appear­ance has helped push the company’s share price up by over 20 per­cent in recent weeks.

On Mon­day, Fox Busi­ness News car­ried out “an exclu­sive” 4 minute inter­view with VA’s CEO, Stephen Fitz­patrick. The show’s anchor, Liz Cla­man, described by Van­i­ty Fair as “…one of tele­vi­sion’s top busi­ness reporters and anchors,” is a leg­end with­in the busi­ness media. After work­ing for CNBC, she joined Fox in 2007 and today has her own slot, The Cla­man Count­down. She has con­duct­ed inter­views with all the entre­pre­neur­ial greats from Bill Gates and Richard Bran­son to Steve Forbes and War­ren Buf­fet.

Ver­ti­cal Aero­space VX4 on Dis­play at Farn­bor­ough

Cla­man oozed enthu­si­asm dur­ing her inter­view with Fitz­patrick. The VA CEO stat­ed the VX4 Air­craft tri­als begin in late Sum­mer and while the pre­vi­ous two were unmanned, this third one will have an actu­al pilot on-board. “The tri­al is a big step for­ward in turn­ing the VX4 into a com­mer­cial real­i­ty,” says the CEO. “I should say so”, replies an impressed Cla­man.

Fitz­patrick com­ments that, in his view, most eVTOLs will be pilot­ed for the first 10 years of com­mer­cial oper­a­tions. “Elec­tri­fi­ca­tion of air trav­el will be trans­for­ma­tion­al,” con­tin­ues the CEO and then non­cha­lant­ly men­tions the VX4 will fly up to 200 mph with a range of 100 miles, where a run­way won’t be need­ed.

“You have some pret­ty impres­sive part­ners,” con­tin­ues an effer­ves­cent Cla­man, offer­ing a gold-plat­ed list from Hon­ey­well and Vir­gin to Rolls-Royce and Moli­cel, not for­get­ting, of course, the major VX4 pur­chas­er, Amer­i­can Air­lines.

The inter­view is well worth a watch.

Watch Video:

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