
Watch Video: Dronamics cargo deliveries to be “several times cheaper than existing air freight”

Watch this Robin Riedel 8.30’ inter­view (link below) with co-founder and CEO of Dron­am­ics car­go drone car­ri­er, Svilen Rangelov. The com­pa­ny was found­ed eight years ago and is renowned for its Black Swan drone that can car­ry up to 350 kg in weight and trav­el for 2,500 kms. As it uses an engine for propul­sion, gain­ing com­mer­cial cer­ti­fi­ca­tion should be eas­i­er.

The Dron­am­ics web­site says, “The Black Swan can land on short and unpaved run­ways, enabling on-demand point-to-point flights and a speedy same-day deliv­ery even to the most remote loca­tions that would oth­er­wise take days to reach over ground or sea.” 

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Rangelov says its car­go deliv­ery “will be sev­er­al times cheap­er than exist­ing air freight” at a cost of 50 per­cent or more less. First flights will occur lat­er this year. He says the Black Swan is ide­al for trans­port­ing prod­ucts to more remote areas, where same day deliv­ery over long dis­tances could be the norm. The drone flies autonomous­ly, can be mon­i­tored and man­aged remote­ly via satel­lite, where the whole sys­tem costs less than a sports car.

Robin Riedel, co-leads the ‘McK­in­sey Cen­tre for Future Mobil­i­ty’. This video is well worth watch­ing.

For more infor­ma­tion


(News Source: www.wearefinn.com)

(Pics: Dron­am­ics)

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Jason Pritchard

Jason Pritchard is the Editor of eVTOL Insights. He holds a BA from Leicester's De Montfort University and has worked in Journalism and Public Relations for more than a decade. Outside of work, Jason enjoys playing and watching football and golf. He also has a keen interest in Ancient Egypt.

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