
Urban Aeronautics collaborates with Neurobotx to Train CityHawk eVTOL “in Cognitive Metaverse”

Urban Aero­nau­tics is col­lab­o­rat­ing with Neu­ro­botx to train City­Hawk eVTOL “in Cog­ni­tive Meta­verse”, reports a press release. Neu­ro­botx is a Boe­ing-backed com­pa­ny led by neu­ro­sci­en­tist Dr. Diana Deca aimed at build­ing the cog­ni­tive meta­verse for air taxi and eVTOL com­pa­nies.

The release states, “Neu­ro­botx col­lab­o­rates with dif­fer­ent avi­a­tion com­pa­nies to com­bine state-of-the-art sim­u­la­tion, hap­tics, dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing, PR, busi­ness devel­op­ment, syn­thet­ic data and deep learn­ing to help expe­dite and opti­mise go-to-mar­ket and invest­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties for their eVTOL clients.”

And goes on, “Through this part­ner­ship, Urban Aero­nau­tics and Neu­ro­botx are col­lab­o­rat­ing to visu­alise and sim­u­late City­Hawk for new and exist­ing use cas­es, indus­try stake­hold­ers and VC part­ners.”

Urban Aero­nau­tics Back­ground

The City­Hawk is the first hydro­gen-pow­ered air­craft to be both wing­less and silent. Its com­pact exte­ri­or and ful­ly-enclosed Fan­craft rotor sys­tem gives it “a min­i­mal noise-print, mak­ing it an air­craft that fits the city.”

Through this part­ner­ship, a vir­tu­al City­Hawk mod­el will become acces­si­ble to mil­lions of gamers, avi­a­tion enthu­si­asts, investors, clients and reg­u­la­tors with­in a Metapi­lot plat­form, allow­ing gamers and/or future pilots the abil­i­ty to fly the City­Hawk through a sim­u­la­tion around a city.

Haran Ben-Eli­a­hou, Vice Pres­i­dent of Busi­ness Devel­op­ment at Urban Aero­nau­tics, com­ment­ed, “We are excit­ed to have the Neu­ro­botx team behind us as they pro­vide a full stack of ser­vices that gives Urban Aero­nau­tics the oppor­tu­ni­ty to bring the City­Hawk to mil­lions of users and gen­er­ate valu­able IP data.”

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He con­tin­ued, “Not only will their cus­tomised demo show­case the capa­bil­i­ties of the craft as a fly­ing ambu­lance and air taxi, but all the data gen­er­at­ed through Metapi­lot will also be used for future train­ing in our AI sim­u­la­tor.”

Dr. Deca added, ”City Hawk is one of the lat­est eVTOL mod­els we’ve added to our Metapi­lot plat­form. We are very selec­tive with the mod­els we bring into our part­ner­ship pro­gram. Metapi­lot is designed to become a ful­ly immer­sive XR expe­ri­ence, with a neu­ro­mor­phic back­end, based on my own research look­ing at the brain’s response to VR.” 

Dr Diana Deca

The release states, “By being the first silent and wing­less air­taxi, City­Hawk now has an extra­or­di­nary advan­tage, by also hav­ing its own in house AI sim­u­la­tor and a large dataset of train­ing data along with a major part­ner for busi­ness devel­op­ment and reg­u­la­to­ry approval in neu­ro­botx.” 

Dr Deca con­cludes, “We will lever­age our net­work among our part­ners such as Boe­ing and NASA, to speed up the mass adop­tion and scal­ing of Urban Aero­nau­tics.”

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