
Horizon Aircraft completes hybrid eVTOL prototype hover test

Hybrid-elec­tric Ver­ti­cal Take-off and Land­ing (eVTOL) man­u­fac­tur­er Hori­zon Air­craft has suc­cess­ful­ly com­plet­ed ini­tial hov­er test­ing of its Cavorite X5 scale pro­to­type.

Hori­zon Air­craft CEO Bran­don Robin­son said: “This air­craft has exceed­ed expec­ta­tions dur­ing ini­tial hov­er test­ing. It is extreme­ly sta­ble, capa­ble of full hov­er at only 65% pow­er, and has hov­ered with 20% of its fans pur­pose­ly dis­abled in order to test sys­tem redun­dan­cy.

“This is a large-scale air­craft, with a 22-foot wingspan, over 15 feet in length, and capa­ble of speeds over 175 mph. It con­tin­ues to yield valu­able data that is con­stant­ly improv­ing our full-scale design.”

Horizon’s patent­ed eVTOL con­cept allows the air­craft to fly 98% of its mis­sion in a very low-drag con­fig­u­ra­tion like a tra­di­tion­al air­craft and is one of the only eVTOL air­craft cur­rent­ly able to do so.

Fly­ing most of the mis­sion as a nor­mal air­craft is safer, more effi­cient, and will be eas­i­er to cer­ti­fy than rad­i­cal new eVTOL designs. The full-scale air­craft will also be pow­ered by a hybrid elec­tric sys­tem that can recharge the bat­tery array in-flight while pro­vid­ing addi­tion­al sys­tem redun­dan­cy.

Hori­zon Air­craft plans to move to tran­si­tion flight test­ing in Q1 2023 at the world class ACE Cli­mat­ic Wind Tun­nel locat­ed near Toron­to, Ontario.

In August, the com­pa­ny suc­cess­ful­ly com­plet­ed Phase 1 of the US Air Force Research Lab­o­ra­to­ry (AFRL) AFWERX HSVTOL and is now ramp­ing up its efforts for Phase 2, while also com­plet­ing the assem­bly of a 50% pro­to­type mod­el of its Cavorite X5 air­craft and embark­ing on a Series A Financ­ing Round.

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Jason Pritchard

Jason Pritchard is the Editor of eVTOL Insights. He holds a BA from Leicester's De Montfort University and has worked in Journalism and Public Relations for more than a decade. Outside of work, Jason enjoys playing and watching football and golf. He also has a keen interest in Ancient Egypt.

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