
Watch Video: Freethink Releases Lengthy And Impressive Archer Aviation Feature

Free­think, is a media news out­let “with an opti­mistic out­look.” It cov­ers sci­ence, tech­nol­o­gy and nature via a YouTube chan­nel and var­i­ous social media feeds. Formed over 4 years ago, the chan­nel has hun­dreds of thou­sands of fol­low­ers and uses the strapline, “We believe the dai­ly news should inspire peo­ple to build a bet­ter world.”

Free­think con­trib­u­tor, Michael E. Wood, focus­es this week on Archer Avi­a­tion, and offers a lengthy and impres­sive 14’ 35” video. It includes Archer’s VP of Design, Julien Mon­tousse, who is fea­tured in an evtolinsights.com in-depth inter­view this week (please read this on our web­site).

For more infor­ma­tion


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