
AMSL Aero and CareFlight partner to test the aeromedical fit-out of Vertiia

AMSL Aero and crit­i­cal care aeromed­ical retrieval ser­vice Care­Flight have part­nered to refine and test the aeromed­ical fit-out of Ver­ti­ia, claimed to be the world’s longest range and most effi­cient zero emis­sions eVTOL air­craft.

Ver­ti­ia will allow Care­Flight to offer a direct ser­vice from remote sites direct­ly to hos­pi­tals, fly­ing from Care­Flight bases and land­ing direct­ly next to remote med­ical clin­ics with­out need­ing to trans­fer patients between aero­planes and road ambu­lances to reduce clin­i­cal risk.

AMSL Aero recent­ly com­plet­ed the maid­en test flight of Ver­ti­ia, which will be able to fly up to 1,000km with zero car­bon emis­sions, and car­ry four pas­sen­gers and a pilot at a cruis­ing speed of 300 km/h.

AMSL Aero has dis­played its pro­to­type aeromed­ical cab­in fit-out for Ver­ti­ia at the Aval­on Inter­na­tion­al Air­show in Vic­to­ria from 28 Feb­ru­ary to 5 March 2023.

AMSL Aero CEO and Ver­ti­ia inven­tor Andrew Moore said: “It is absolute­ly crit­i­cal to pro­vide the best lev­el of care to a patient while in flight. The fit­ted-out Ver­ti­ia will serve as a fly­ing hos­pi­tal with all of the best emer­gency equip­ment at the clinician’s fin­ger­tips.

“Air­craft are typ­i­cal­ly designed first, then an aeromed­ical fit-out is shoe­horned inside. We are doing the oppo­site: we’re start­ing with the opti­mum aeromed­ical fit-out and design­ing the air­craft around it, with the needs of our key part­ners such as Care­Flight front of mind.”

AMSL Co-Founder Siob­han Lyn­don added: “Care­Flight is a lead­ing Aus­tralian inno­va­tor in rotary wing retrievals, hav­ing devel­oped the rapid response heli­copter ser­vice in Aus­tralia, so we are huge­ly grate­ful to them for their exper­tise.

“Ver­ti­ia is not only safe and qui­et, but it was also devel­oped for the harsh long-dis­tance con­di­tions in Aus­tralia. If it can work in Aus­tralia, it can work any­where, and expect to start deliv­er­ies in 2026.”

Care­Flight CEO Mick Frewen, con­clud­ed: “Our mis­sion is to save lives and speed up recov­ery. We trans­port patients on jets, tur­bo­props, heli­copters and road vehi­cles, so when AMSL approached us about the Ver­ti­ia eVTOL, we leapt at the oppor­tu­ni­ty.

“We love the huge doors on the Ver­ti­ia. The door­way is two metres wide, which is wider than on any air­craft we oper­ate. Care­Flight sees the poten­tial for the Ver­ti­ia across a num­ber of our exist­ing oper­a­tions. We look for­ward to reduc­ing patient trans­port times and improv­ing patient out­comes, and see it as a sig­nif­i­cant part of solv­ing our future aeromed­ical fleet.”

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Jason Pritchard

Jason Pritchard is the Editor of eVTOL Insights. He holds a BA from Leicester's De Montfort University and has worked in Journalism and Public Relations for more than a decade. Outside of work, Jason enjoys playing and watching football and golf. He also has a keen interest in Ancient Egypt.

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