
AutoFlight Announces Major Commercial Deal with EvFly “for 205 Prosperity eVTOLs”

Chi­na-based Aut­oFlight announced a major deal with EvFly this week, a Sin­ga­pore-based fleet-man­age­ment and air-trans­port com­pa­ny, reports a press release. EvFly is pur­chas­ing 205 Pros­per­i­ty 1 pas­sen­ger eVTOL and Car­go Air­craft. The first 10 will be flown in the Mid­dle East in coun­tries like Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates and Sau­di Ara­bia. 

Omer Bar-Yohay, Pres­i­dent of Aut­oFlight, enthused, “This is a fan­tas­tic deal and illus­trates just a few of the many geo­gra­phies that will ben­e­fit from eVTOLs in both car­go and per­son­al mobil­i­ty.  The team at EvFly has a proven track record in suc­cess­ful­ly man­ag­ing freight and car­go busi­ness­es and we’re delight­ed to be part­ner­ing with them in what could be one of the first com­mer­cial eVTOL oper­a­tions in the world.”

Yan­nick Erbs (cred­it EvFly)

The release states, “The part­ner­ship is under­pinned by EvFly’s com­pre­hen­sive fleet man­age­ment ser­vice which inte­grates the lat­est tech­nol­o­gy for eVTOL main­te­nance and oper­a­tional effi­cien­cy.  This will pro­vide a unique solu­tion for com­pa­nies wish­ing to use eVTOL for com­mer­cial or pri­vate pur­pos­es.”

Yan­nick Erbs, Founder and CEO of EvFly, com­ment­ed, “Aut­oFlight has a proven air­craft, as demon­strat­ed by their recent world record flight and is backed by addi­tion­al thou­sands of flight test miles. The com­pa­ny is a nat­ur­al choice as both par­ties will bring exper­tise to the nascent eVTOL pas­sen­ger and car­go mar­kets.”

This agree­ment comes on the back of Autoflight’s fourth-gen­er­a­tion Pros­per­i­ty I eVTOL pro­to­type which flew, on a sin­gle charge of the aircraft’s lithi­um-ion bat­ter­ies, for 156 miles at its R&D site in south­ern Ger­many.

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Described as “the world’s longest eVTOL flight in his­to­ry”, this record-break­ing achieve­ment took place on Feb­ru­ary 23rd. It con­sist­ed of 20 cir­cuits around a pre­de­fined flight track, with the air­craft remote­ly pilot­ed from the ground. While AutoFlight’s Gen4 is fit­ted with the lat­est in state-of-the-art avion­ics, the eVTOL also ran third-par­ty avion­ics to record and ver­i­fy the dis­tance flown on ‘Fore­Flight’, an inde­pen­dent sys­tem wide­ly used in the avi­a­tion indus­try.

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(Top image: Aut­oFlight)

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