EHang: The Latest News Updates
Ehang in 2023 is almost absent of “official” news stories on its website. Just one to date which appeared on February 17th entitled ‘EH216 AAV Completes Its Japan’s First Passenger-Carrying Demo Flight’. EHang was a company that regularly put out press releases in previous years. So why has it stopped?
Is the company still smarting from the vicious published attacks made by Wolfpack Research who hammered EHang with a full-blown case of damning financial GBH back in February 2021 with the charming headline “A Stock Destined to Crash and Burn!”
Surely not?
So, as someone who is interested in following the company or more likely a stock market investor who has bought EHang shares, how do you find out the latest news?

One way is to trawl social media, but this can take time and can be quite tedious. A piece of gentle advice: Try this Twitter Account:
While East West Connect only has 251 followers, it is chock-a-block with news to please the EHang investor. There is also a website and a YouTube channel attached (well worth a look). There is plenty of other news too about electric cars and technology-related information from China.
To illustrate this: Back in February it was reported that EHang had signed a strategic partnership with Xi’An Aerospace Science and Technology Development Holdings Group. On the day of the signing ceremony, two of EHang’s UAVs, the 216 and 216F were on display. NB: the word ‘strategic’ is becoming increasingly used in press releases, perhaps, offering ‘partnership’ or ‘collaboration’ more of an elevated importance? Unfortunately, this news is short, sharp and sweet. No other details to hand it seems.
During March, there are five stories so far. Here are a few examples. On the 14th, EHang was visited by an investment promotion team from a prefecture-level city of Jingmen, located in central Hubei province. Please click on the link below.
Another, three days later, announced that Xiyu Tourism (Western Tourism) intends to sign a “Cooperation Framework Agreement” with EHang, to jointly fund and establish a joint venture company for the operation of autonomous aircraft referred to as Xiyu General Aviation. Below is the link for that story.
But you need to be careful. Question each story. Be aware of potential fake news.
To tease you, here is a link that appeared two days ago (19th) about EHang. It is quite a story if true (bottom left).
What do you reckon — is this true or false? Perhaps, China’s equivalent of the Western April Fool? Although in 2016, the UK media alleged the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) had warned its citizens to ignore April Fool as “it does not fit with country values” and referred to “such pranks” stating “It does not conform to Chinese cultural traditions or socialist core morals.”
So, that’s out, unless the perpetrator wishes to be sent to an internment camp, officially called ‘vocational education and training centres” to be re-educated on core Chinese values! So, yes, the story could well be true.
For more information
(Top image — credit: EHang)