
eVTOL Insights confirms its first Asia-Pacific Conference in Singapore will feature a two-day speaker programme

Due to over­whelm­ing demand from our Euro­pean Con­fer­ence in Lon­don last month, we’re real­ly excit­ed to announce the speak­er pro­gramme for our upcom­ing Asia-Pacif­ic event — to be held at Sin­ga­pore’s Mari­na Bay Sands Hotel from July 4th to 5th — will now be spread over two days.

The change in the sched­ule means our pre-events net­work­ing drinks will start at approx­i­mate­ly 6pm Sin­ga­pore Time on Mon­day, July 3rd.

On July 4th and 5th, our agen­da will once again aim to cov­er key themes across the glob­al Advanced Air Mobil­i­ty mar­ket, with fire­side chats, pan­el dis­cus­sions and keynote pre­sen­ta­tions. After the event fin­ish­es on the 5th, anoth­er net­work­ing recep­tion will take place for those unable to attend on the 3rd.

Com­pa­nies which have con­firmed so far include Wisk, Volo­copter, Eve Air Mobil­i­ty, Electro.aero, Sky­Drive, MintAir, Ver­ti­cal Aero­space, Sky­ports Infra­struc­ture, The ePlane Com­pa­ny and Groupe ADP. We will release a pre­lim­i­nary agen­da for both days as soon as we can.

With the increased speak­er pro­gramme, we now have more oppor­tu­ni­ties for com­pa­nies inter­est­ed in being either a pan­el­list or keynote pre­sen­ter. If you’d like more infor­ma­tion, please email Jason Pritchard, eVTOL Insights’ Exec­u­tive Edi­tor, at jason@evtolinsights.com

We also have brand­ing and booth oppor­tu­ni­ties for those com­pa­nies want­i­ng addi­tion­al expo­sure at our Sin­ga­pore event. You can con­tact Doreen Pupil­lo, eVTOL Insights’ Head of Glob­al Part­ner­ships, at doreen@evtolinsights.com

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Jason Pritchard

Jason Pritchard is the Editor of eVTOL Insights. He holds a BA from Leicester's De Montfort University and has worked in Journalism and Public Relations for more than a decade. Outside of work, Jason enjoys playing and watching football and golf. He also has a keen interest in Ancient Egypt.

eVTOL Insights is part of the Industry Insights Group. Registered in the UK. Company No: 14395769