
‘Early Bird’ ticket offer for eVTOL Insights’ Singapore conference ends tomorrow! Get yours before the price increases

Indus­try exec­u­tives want­i­ng to attend our next Advanced Air Mobil­i­ty con­fer­ence in Sin­ga­pore have until this Fri­day, May 19th to pur­chase their Ear­ly Bird tick­et for $449.

From Sat­ur­day, May 20th, ‘Gen­er­al Admis­sion’ tick­ets will be avail­able for $999 and can be bought by vis­it­ing our Eventbrite page. They will be on sale right up until Tues­day, July 4th.

Tak­ing place at the Mari­na Bay Sands Hotel from July 4th to 5th, this will be the first event we have organ­ised in the Asia-Pacif­ic region and where we’ve also spread the speak­er pro­gramme over two days. Our pre­vi­ous con­fer­ences were held in New York and Lon­don.

For Sin­ga­pore, a pre-event net­work­ing drinks recep­tion will take place at 6pm local time on Mon­day, July 3rd, with anoth­er net­work­ing event hap­pen­ing after the con­fer­ence fin­ish­es on the 5th.

We’d also love to hear from any com­pa­nies which might be inter­est­ed in being an event spon­sor. Pack­ages cur­rent­ly avail­able include a vari­ety of speak­ing, brand­ing and exhibitor stand oppor­tu­ni­ties.

If you’d like to find out more, please con­tact Doreen Pupil­lo, eVTOL Insights’ Head of Glob­al Part­ner­ships, at

A copy of the pre­lim­i­nary agen­da is below and we hope to make more excit­ing addi­tions to the speak­er pro­gramme in the com­ing weeks. If you see any areas of the pro­gramme where you feel you or your com­pa­ny could con­tribute, please email eVTOL Insights’ Exec­u­tive Edi­tor Jason Pritchard via

All times are GMT+8. Tim­ings and sched­ules are sub­ject to change (last updat­ed: May 15th)

DAY ONE — Tues­day, July 4th


09.00 — 09.20
‘Bring­ing UAM to life – Volocopter’s Sin­ga­pore Roadmap’Hon Lung Chu
Head of APAC

09.20 — 09.40

‘How AAM can sup­port and com­ple­ment pub­lic trans­port in Asia’

Cather­ine Mac­Gowan
Asia-Pacif­ic Region Direc­tor

09.40 — 10.10
Pan­el Dis­cus­sion
‘Why Air­ports can play a key role in the AAM sec­tor’
Joyce Abou Mous­sa
AAM Glob­al Pro­gram Lead
Groupe ADP

Speak­er TBC
Com­pa­ny TBC

Speak­er TBC
Com­pa­ny TBC

10.55 —

Title TBC
Satya Chakravarthy
The ePlane Com­pa­ny

11.15 —
Title TBCTomo­hi­ro Fukuza­wa

11.35 —
Pan­el Dis­cus­sion
Own­er­ship and Oper­a­tion of eVTOL bat­ter­ies’
Jong­won ‘JP’ Park

Speak­er TBC
Com­pa­ny TBC

Speak­er TBC
Com­pa­ny TBC

13.30 — 13.50
Title TBCDerek Cheng
Head of Com­mer­cialA­PAC
Ver­ti­cal Aero­space

13.50 —

‘Elec­tric Air­craft Charg­ing — Prob­lems and Solu­tions’
Richard Charl­ton

14.10 —
Pan­el Dis­cus­sion
Title TBC
Speak­er TBC
Com­pa­ny TBC

Speak­er TBC
Com­pa­ny TBC

Speak­er TBC
Com­pa­ny TBC

DAY TWOWednes­day, July 5th

09.00 — 09.20Set­ting the Scene — Where the AAM Indus­try is going in 2024Joshua Ng
Alton Avi­a­tion Con­sul­tan­cy

Alan Lim
Engage­ment Man­ag­er
Alton Avi­a­tion Con­sul­tan­cy
09.20 — 09.40Title TBCLouise Lu
Chief Mar­ket­ing Offi­cer
Pan­tuo Avi­a­tion

09.40 — 10.10
Pan­el Dis­cus­sion
‘Assess­ing the Readi­ness of AAM across Key Stake­hold­ers’
Augus­tine Tai
Head of Busi­ness APAC
Eve Air Mobil­i­ty

Jim Baldy
Yugo Pri­vate Avi­a­tion

Li Hui Ng
Acqui­si­tions & Part­ner­ships Man­ag­er, APAC
Sky­ports Infra­struc­ture
11.10 — 11.30Title TBCSpeak­er TBC
Com­pa­ny TBC
11.30 — 11.50Title TBCSpeak­er TBC
Com­pa­ny TBC

11.50 — 12.20
Pan­el Dis­cus­sion
Title TBC
Speak­er TBC
Com­pa­ny TBC

Speak­er TBC
Com­pa­ny TBC

Speak­er TBC
Com­pa­ny TBC
13.30 — 13.50Title TBCSpeak­er TBC
Com­pa­ny TBC
13.50 — 14.10Title TBCSpeak­er TBC
Com­pa­ny TBC

14.10 — 14.40
Pan­el Dis­cus­sion
Top­ic TBC
Speak­er TBC
Com­pa­ny TBC

Speak­er TBC
Com­pa­ny TBC

Speak­er TBC
Com­pa­ny TBC
15.30 — 15.50Title TBCSpeak­er TBC
Com­pa­ny TBC
15.50 — 16.10Title TBCSpeak­er TBC
Com­pa­ny TBC
16.10 — 16.40Pan­el Dis­cus­sionSpeak­er TBC
Com­pa­ny TBC

Speak­er TBC
Com­pa­ny TBC

Speak­er TBC
Com­pa­ny TBC
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Jason Pritchard

Jason Pritchard is the Editor of eVTOL Insights. He holds a BA from Leicester's De Montfort University and has worked in Journalism and Public Relations for more than a decade. Outside of work, Jason enjoys playing and watching football and golf. He also has a keen interest in Ancient Egypt.

eVTOL Insights is part of the Industry Insights Group. Registered in the UK. Company No: 14395769