
AutoFlight Reveals Interior Design of Prosperity 1 eVTOL

In prepa­ra­tion for AutoFlight’s Pros­per­i­ty 1 eVTOL dis­play in Hall 5 at the impend­ing Paris Air­show (June 19th-25th), the com­pa­ny has finalised its inte­ri­or design as part of the full-scale air­craft to be show­cased.

Designed by auto­mo­tive indus­try expert Frank Stephen­son, known for his works with brands such as Fer­rari, Maserati, McLaren, and MINI, Pros­per­i­ty I rep­re­sents “a fusion of style, sci­ence, and sus­tain­able urban mobil­i­ty.”

As with oth­er eVTOL inte­ri­or design­ers, there is an envi­ron­men­tal-friend­ly approach, where Aut­oFlight is work­ing on select­ing sus­tain­able, recy­cled, and reusable mate­ri­als for the air­craft.

The release explains, “With a career span­ning over three decades, Stephen­son has con­sis­tent­ly deliv­ered designs that mar­ry form and func­tion, while incor­po­rat­ing the lat­est eco-friend­ly tech­nolo­gies. Lever­ag­ing his expe­ri­ence, Pros­per­i­ty I embraces a sleek and ele­gant aes­thet­ic that exem­pli­fies the per­fect blend of per­for­mance and beau­ty.”

He com­ment­ed, “Our aim was to cre­ate an envi­ron­ment that evokes a sense of safe­ty, com­fort and inno­va­tion. With this as our goal, the pas­sen­gers will feel relaxed. The wel­com­ing inte­ri­or has been achieved through the inno­v­a­tive appli­ca­tion of nat­ur­al organ­ic shapes, new soft touch mate­ri­als and a clever sys­tem of inte­ri­or mood light­ing.”

Tian Yu, CEO of Aut­oFlight, added, “We are delight­ed to have Frank Stephen­son. His unpar­al­leled design exper­tise has added a new dimen­sion to our air­craft, ele­vat­ing it to a whole new lev­el. With Frank’s touch, Pros­per­i­ty I tru­ly embod­ies the future of urban air mobil­i­ty.”

With the longest eVTOL flight on record (155 miles), Pros­per­i­ty I is lead­ing the way. The aircraft’s inte­ri­or design com­pares well with its rivals. “The sleek lines and angle-free sculpt­ed inte­ri­or,” con­tin­ues the release, “cre­ates a feel­ing of spa­cious­ness, while curat­ed light­ing adds an ambi­ence of ele­gance and tran­quil­i­ty.”

Aut­oFlight is invit­ing indus­try pro­fes­sion­als and avi­a­tion enthu­si­asts to vis­it the company’s Paris Air­show exhi­bi­tion stand at Chalet 200, to see the eVTOL and expe­ri­ence the inte­ri­or for them­selves.

For more infor­ma­tion


(Images: Aut­oFlight)

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