
CycloTech reveals noise level of CycloRotor

Aus­tri­an CycloTech claims to have con­duct­ed the most exten­sive CycloRo­tor out­door noise test cam­paign ever con­duct­ed in the aero­nau­ti­cal indus­try. Offer­ing a 360 degree thrust vec­tor­ing capa­bil­i­ty cou­pled with com­pact design, the data gath­ered will be used to inves­ti­gate the influ­ence of dif­fer­ent para­me­ters on the acoustic char­ac­ter­is­tics of CyloRo­tors and guide the design of CycloRo­tor-dri­ven Air­Car con­cepts.

In order to lever­age the noise reduc­tion poten­tial of elec­tri­cal­ly pow­ered air vehi­cles and min­imise noise expo­sure in pop­u­lat­ed areas, the noise test was con­duct­ed at Wels Gen­er­al Avi­a­tion Air­port in Aus­tria.

The CycloRo­tor CR-42 was mount­ed ver­ti­cal­ly on a mobile frame and placed far away from any reflec­tive sur­face. Mea­sure­ments were per­formed when there was no air traf­fic and wind speed was below 2.5 m/s, with eight micro­phones arranged in five dis­tinct con­fig­u­ra­tions to char­ac­terise the noise gen­er­a­tion and prop­a­ga­tion of the CycloRo­tor.

A key result of the test is that the CycloRo­tor gen­er­ates a sound pres­sure lev­el of 59 dBA at a dis­tance of 100 metres, which is equiv­a­lent to the lev­el of a typ­i­cal con­ver­sa­tion between two peo­ple.

“This is a promis­ing result and CycloTech will con­tin­ue to inves­ti­gate and opti­mise the aeroa­coustic sig­na­ture of the CycloRo­tor,” said Pedro Car­ras­co Laraña, aeroa­coustics engi­neer at CycloTech.

CycloTech’s propul­sion sys­tems are based on the Voith­Schnei­der-Prin­ci­ple. The com­pact design and instant con­trol of mag­ni­tude and ori­en­ta­tion of the omni-direc­tion­al thrust of CycloRo­tors enable easy tran­si­tion from hov­er to for­ward flight, gust con­trol and pre­ci­sion land­ing, ide­al for safe oper­a­tion in crowd­ed air­space and con­fined areas.

Fol­low­ing EASA reg­u­la­tions in March, CycloTech received per­mis­sion from Austria’s Aus­tro Con­trol nation­al avi­a­tion safe­ty author­i­ty to per­form out­door flights with its 85kg demon­stra­tor start­ing March 2023.

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Jason Pritchard

Jason Pritchard is the Editor of eVTOL Insights. He holds a BA from Leicester's De Montfort University and has worked in Journalism and Public Relations for more than a decade. Outside of work, Jason enjoys playing and watching football and golf. He also has a keen interest in Ancient Egypt.

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