
Just five tickets remain for eVTOL Insights’ Singapore conference with less than a week to go

There are now just five tick­ets remain­ing for those still inter­est­ed in attend­ing eVTOL Insights’ Sin­ga­pore Con­fer­ence, which is now less than one week away.

Tak­ing place at the Mari­na Bay Sands Hotel from July 4th to 5th, the speak­er pro­gramme is packed with some of the biggest thought lead­ers, influ­encers and inno­va­tors in Advanced Air Mobil­i­ty across the Asia-Pacif­ic region.

For $999, atten­dees will get access to a pre-event drinks recep­tion on Mon­day, July 3rd, which takes place in the hotel at 6pm local time. Stu­dents can also join us, with tick­ets cost­ing $249.

The speak­er pro­gramme across both July 4th and 5th will start at 9am and fin­ish at approx­i­mate­ly 2.30pm. On the 4th, we are pleased to offer atten­dees the oppor­tu­ni­ty to see a live demon­stra­tion by Sky­ports Drone Ser­vices at the Mar­itime Drone Estate.

And after our pro­gramme fin­ish­es on the 5th, we will be tak­ing atten­dees to the Insti­tute of Tech­ni­cal Edu­ca­tion (ITE) for a pub­lic tour of Volo­copter’s VoloC­i­ty eVTOL air­craft.

There will be plen­ty of net­work­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties through­out the two days with both speak­ers and atten­dees. We are also grate­ful to event spon­sors, Reed Smith LLP and CUSTOMCELLS for their sup­port in mak­ing this event hap­pen.

To buy your tick­et, please head to our Eventbrite page.

PRELIMINARY AGENDA (last updat­ed: June 28th)

Tim­ings and sched­ule are sub­ject to change. (GMT+8)


09.00 — 09.20

‘A Look at eVTOL Devel­op­ment — from 2010 to Present Day’

Prof. James Wang
Direc­tor, eVTOL Research Inno­va­tion Cen­tre
Nanyang Tech­no­log­i­cal Uni­ver­si­ty

09.20 — 09.40

‘How AAM can sup­port and com­ple­ment pub­lic trans­port in Asia’

Cather­ine Mac­Gowan
Asia-Pacif­ic Region Direc­tor
09.40 — 10.10Pan­el Dis­cus­sion

’How Air­ports can play a crit­i­cal role in inte­grat­ing AAM in our cities’

Mod­er­at­ed by Simon Spells, Part­ner, Trans­porta­tion Indus­try Group, Reed Smith LLP

Joyce Abou Mous­sa
AAM Glob­al Pro­gram Lead
Groupe ADP

Ben Woo
Envi­ron­men­tal Senior Leader
Mott Mac­Don­ald

Asa Que­sen­ber­ry
Pres­i­dent and CEO
Sky­Scape Japan

11.00 — 11.20

Keynote Pre­sen­ta­tion

Satya Chakravarthy
The ePlane Com­pa­ny

11.20 — 11.40
‘Towards an Air Mobil­i­ty Rev­o­lu­tion with Fly­ing Cars and Car­go Drones’Hiroyu­ki Murai
Chief Strat­e­gy Offi­cer
11.40 — 12.00Fire­side Chat

’Dis­cussing the State of Bat­tery Tech­nol­o­gy’
Johannes Durschang
Head of Sales — Avi­a­tion
13.00 — 13.20‘How AutoFlight’s Lift & Cruise eVTOL will facil­i­tate Asia’s Future Mobil­i­ty’Kellen Xie
Senior Vice Pres­i­dent
13.20 — 13.40Keynote Pre­sen­ta­tionDerek Cheng
Head of Com­mer­cial, APAC
Ver­ti­cal Aero­space
13.40 — 14.00‘UAS Traf­fic Man­age­ment (UTM): its role in AAM and the state of devel­op­ment in APAC’Ryan Lee
Group Chief Exec­u­tive Offi­cer
Heron Air­Bridge

14.00 — 14.20

‘Elec­tric Air­craft Charg­ing — Prob­lems and Solu­tions’

Richard Charl­ton

14.20 — 14.40
Fire­side Chat

eVTOL OEM update w/ EHang’

Andreas Per­ot­ti
Chief Mar­ket­ing Offi­cer
DAY ONE FINISH Sky­ports Drone Ser­vices’ show­case at Mar­itime Drone Estate



09.00 — 09.20

‘Bring­ing UAM to life – Volocopter’s Sin­ga­pore Roadmap’

Willy Lee
Senior Busi­ness Avi­a­tion Man­ag­er

09.20 — 09.40

Set­ting the Scene — Where the AAM Indus­try is going in 2024

Alan Lim,
Engage­ment Man­ag­er, Alton Avi­a­tion Con­sul­tan­cy
09.40 — 10.10Pan­el Dis­cus­sion

‘Assess­ing the Readi­ness of AAM across Key Stake­hold­ers’

Augus­tine Tai,
Head of Busi­ness, APAC, Eve Air Mobil­i­ty

Jim Baldy
CEO, Yugo Pri­vate Avi­a­tion

Li Hui Ng
Acqui­si­tions & Part­ner­ships Man­ag­er, APAC, Sky­ports Infra­struc­ture

11.00 — 11.20

‘Intro­duc­ing the PANTALA Con­cept H’

Louise Lu
Chief Mar­ket­ing Offi­cer
Pan­tuo Avi­a­tion
11.20 — 11.40Keynote Pre­sen­ta­tionSoo Soon Teong
SVP & Head of Unmanned Air Sys­tems
ST Engi­neer­ing
11.40 — 12.00Pan­el Dis­cus­sion

‘Mak­ing sense of the Eco­nom­ics of the Advanced Air Mobil­i­ty mar­ket’
Joshua Ng
Alton Avi­a­tion Con­sul­tan­cy

Manoj Purush
Part­ner, Trans­porta­tion Indus­try Group, Reed Smith LLP
13.00 — 13.30Pan­el Dis­cus­sion

Assess­ing the Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion and Reg­u­la­to­ry Land­scape
Chris Carter
Asia-Pacif­ic Region Direc­tor
Fed­er­al Avi­a­tion Admin­is­tra­tion (FAA)

Julia Norset­ter
Advanced Air Mobil­i­ty
Trans­porta­tion Indus­try Group
Reed Smith LLP
13.30 — 13.50‘EVERYONE can FLY!’Dr. Neo Kok-Beng
CEO and Founder
NEO Aero­nau­tics

13.50 — 14.10
Recent Trends in eVTOL in Japan ~Toward the Real­i­sa­tion of Flight at the Osa­ka-Kan­sai Expo’
Takuya Ishio
Prin­ci­pal Deputy Direc­tor, Advanced Air Mobil­i­ty Office, Aero­space and Defense Indus­try Divi­sion
Min­istry of Econ­o­my, Trade and Indus­try of Japan

14.10 — 14.30
‘Japan’s Ver­ti­port Devel­op­ment: An Exclu­sive Announce­ment’Asa Que­sen­ber­ry
Pres­i­dent and CEO
Sky­scape Japan
DAY TWO FINISH — VoloC­i­ty tour at the Insti­tute of Tech­ni­cal Edu­ca­tion (ITE)
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Jason Pritchard

Jason Pritchard is the Editor of eVTOL Insights. He holds a BA from Leicester's De Montfort University and has worked in Journalism and Public Relations for more than a decade. Outside of work, Jason enjoys playing and watching football and golf. He also has a keen interest in Ancient Egypt.

eVTOL Insights is part of the Industry Insights Group. Registered in the UK. Company No: 14395769