
Volocopter to Demonstrate Volocity eVTOL Flights at Paris Airshow (19th-25th June)

The Paris Olympics may still be a lit­tle over 12 months away, where Volo­copter and its Voloc­i­ty eVTOL is to offer com­mer­cial flights to the pub­lic for a pro­posed EUR110, but in 10 days time those attend­ing the Paris Air­show can see the air­craft car­ry­ing out demon­stra­tions in the skies above.

On the company’s web­site blog this week, Volo­copter writes, “With com­mer­cial launch in Paris planned for sum­mer 2024, One of the aces up our sleeve are pub­lic-viewed flights at the 2023 Paris Air­show (19th-25th June), where spec­ta­tors will wit­ness the low noise sig­na­ture and zero in-flight emis­sions of the VoloC­i­ty air taxi first-hand. A VoloC­i­ty mock­up will also be on dis­play, giv­ing vis­i­tors the chance to hop inside and imag­ine what it will be like to fly in the air taxi post-launch.”

Pub­lic accep­tance in Paris is high on Volocopter’s agen­da and under the blog’s sub-head­ing ‘Pub­lic Edu­ca­tion Cam­paign’, the post con­tin­ues, “Our Paris plans are fur­ther sup­port­ed by a recent RATP-led study that looked at the low noise sig­na­ture of eVTOLs along­side pro­ject­ed routes and future ver­ti­port loca­tions. The study shows the VoloC­i­ty air taxi has all the trap­pings of a ser­vice that will coa­lesce into a sup­ple­men­tary mode of trans­porta­tion.”

It goes on, “Paris is a log­i­cal choice for Volo­copter. Why? Well, for one, this dense­ly pop­u­lat­ed cap­i­tal is in pret­ty dire need of a solu­tion to its pub­lic trans­porta­tion woes, brought on by its con­sid­er­able pop­u­la­tion. Plus, as a pop­u­lar tourist des­ti­na­tion, the city also has to con­tend with a tem­po­rary (yet sig­nif­i­cant!) growth spurt dur­ing the year’s peak trav­el sea­sons. So, Volo­copter is putting cities like Paris first. We believe that if we can make it in a city of this mag­ni­tude, launch­es in oth­er tar­get cities should fol­low like an expert­ly assem­bled domi­no line.” 

French Pres­i­dent Emmanuel Macron is Keen­ly inter­est­ed in Volo­copter’s Progress (Cred­it: © Ghis­lain Mari­ette / Prési­dence de la République)

And adds, “It’s no secret we’ve part­nered with the key pub­lic trans­porta­tion author­i­ties in Paris: Groupe ADP (Aéro­ports de Paris) and RATP (the city’s pub­lic tran­sit oper­a­tor and one of the nation’s largest trans­porta­tion organ­i­sa­tions). For the past 36-ish months, we’ve been work­ing close­ly with both of them to bring our plans for elec­tric air taxis to life.

“This has paved the way for a two-year tri­al phase packed with test flights (Pon­toise Air­port and else­where), route map­ping, and coor­di­na­tion with these and oth­er French author­i­ties. Such a tri­al phase is key as we plan to ini­tial­ly launch small-scale oper­a­tions, while gain­ing valu­able expe­ri­ence and feed­back from both author­i­ties and part­ners.” Con­clud­ing, “Volo­copter has come a long way since its first crewed eVTOL flight in France in March 2022.”

Volo­copter then points out its “over­ar­ch­ing goal is to see the VoloC­i­ty air taxi take to the skies first, com­mer­cial­ly, before any oth­er UAM com­peti­tor.” And affirms, “We want to do this in Paris by 2024. And we have every rea­son to suc­ceed, for the progress that Volo­copter has made is stag­ger­ing! The ulti­mate goal? Net­work expan­sion in Paris and its sur­round­ings.”  

View Volo­copter Video Library

Apart from Volo­copter oth­er eVTOLs on dis­play at the Paris Air­show include Eve Air Mobil­i­ty, Archer, Aut­oFlight, EHang, Wisk Aero, Lil­i­um, Ascen­dance Flight Tech­nolo­gies and Ptero­dy­nam­ics.

Under the ‘Paris Air Mobil­i­ty’ ban­ner the Air­show web­site explains, “The lat­est inno­va­tions and emerg­ing tech­nolo­gies in eVTOL will bring togeth­er key play­ers in this dynam­ic com­mu­ni­ty for net­work­ing and knowl­edge exchange.” 

It goes on, “Locat­ed in Hall 5, the event will com­bine an exhi­bi­tion area, where man­u­fac­tur­ers and start-ups can dis­play their rev­o­lu­tion­ary prod­ucts and ser­vices, along­side an indus­try lead­ing con­fer­ence pro­gram, where senior-lev­el speak­ers will pro­vide analy­ses and insights on the cur­rent state of the AAM mar­ket and how to dri­ve the indus­try for­ward.”

Graph­ic Image of Hall 5

In part­ner­ship with Avi­a­tion Week Net­work, the ‘Paris Air Mobil­i­ty’ aims to deliv­er “a high lev­el, inno­v­a­tive, for­ward-look­ing pro­gram of advanced air mobil­i­ty con­tent across 3 days, from June 20th to 22nd, bring­ing togeth­er sub­ject mat­ter experts to pro­vide thought lead­er­ship on key chal­lenges and oppor­tu­ni­ties fac­ing the eVTOL indus­try.”

Speak­ers include some of the top names in the Urban Air Mobil­i­ty field from JoeBen Bevirt (Joby) and Adam Gold­stein (Archer), to Dirk Hoke (Volo­copter), Klaus Roewe (Lil­i­um), Balk­iz Sar­i­han (Air­bus) and Mark Robert Hen­ning (Aut­oFlight), as well as Dun­can Walk­er (Sky­ports), Clem New­ton-Brown (Sky­portz) and Dr Feth Cheryl (Vports).



Watch Paris Air­show Video

For more infor­ma­tion

(Top Graph­ic Image: Volo­copter)

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