Call for Nominations! eVTOL Insights to publish first ‘Women in eVTOL’ Special Report in Q3 2023
eVTOL Insights is calling for nominations for its next Special Report, which will recognise and celebrate the amazing women working in the global Advanced Air Mobility market.
Called ‘Women in eVTOL’, the report will be similar to the CTO Special Report published earlier this year. Both are a smaller versions of the bigger Powerbook, now in its fourth year and will be published in January 2024.
If you’d like to nominate someone from your company, or even yourself, then please send an email to with a brief summary of why they/you should be included. From those with an engineering background, to those who have made significant contributions to the industry, we want to recognise women from a wide variety of roles every year going forward.
The deadline for nominations for this year’s Women in eVTOL Special Report is Friday, August 4th.
We’re also on the lookout for any companies which would be interested in sponsoring our inaugural edition. If you’d like to find out more about the packages available, please email Doreen Pupillo, eVTOL Insights’ Head of Partnerships, at
If you haven’t seen our Powerbook, please click here to read and download our 2021, 2022 and 2023 editions.