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Nigeria-based Titan Air Mobility details its EMEA air cargo and mobility network

Titan Air Mobil­i­ty, a region­al air car­go and mobil­i­ty net­work for Europe, Mid­dle East and Africa (EMEA) claims it is build­ing ‘rail­ways’ in the sky to reach every­one and every­where by util­is­ing hybrid eVTOL (heV­TOL) air­craft to bypass tra­di­tion­al infra­struc­ture con­straints.

The chal­lenge is a lack of trans­porta­tion infra­struc­ture with­in and across key eco­nom­ic regions in Africa. For exam­ple, it costs about $4,000 to ship a 40ft con­tain­er 12,000 km from Shang­hai in Chi­na to Lagos in Nige­ria, but it costs about $3500 to move the same con­tain­er from Apa­pa Port to Lagos in Nige­ria.

A big part of the chal­lenge is direct­ly linked to poor trans­porta­tion and logis­tics infra­struc­ture. The uncer­tain­ty of sales in local farm­ers’ mar­kets requires trans­porta­tion to the cap­i­tal and urban areas.

Accord­ing to the World Food Pro­gramme, about one-third of food pro­duced for human con­sump­tion is either lost or wast­ed, esti­mat­ing to a finan­cial loss of $1 tril­lion annu­al­ly.

Launched in June 2023, Titan Air Mobil­i­ty evolved from over a decade of design, fly­ing, pro­to­typ­ing, and exper­i­men­ta­tion, hav­ing gath­ered tal­ent from Nige­ria, the US, the UK, Italy, and Bangladesh.

The com­pa­ny has a three-part busi­ness mod­el that includes AAM tech­nolo­gies for elec­tric and hybrid pow­er­trains for mid and long range eVTOLs, ver­ti­port infra­struc­ture includ­ing drone ports, charg­ing sta­tions and AI-pow­ered air traf­fic con­trol, and oper­at­ing the largest net­work of region­al car­go and mobil­i­ty sys­tems pow­ered by green and sus­tain­able ener­gy.

It is run­ning sim­u­la­tions for the deploy­ment of 50 car­go drones and 10 Ver­ti­ports per coun­try in sev­en coun­tries in Africa with Hexi Solo, the elec­tric vari­ant designed for a 300 kg pay­load at a range of 300 km.

The goal is to hold to the most strin­gent require­ments of EASA and FAA while explor­ing the unique reg­u­la­to­ry land­scape of Africa for oppor­tu­ni­ties, with a car­go-first approach to min­imise risk.

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Jason Pritchard

Jason Pritchard is the Editor of eVTOL Insights. He holds a BA from Leicester's De Montfort University and has worked in Journalism and Public Relations for more than a decade. Outside of work, Jason enjoys playing and watching football and golf. He also has a keen interest in Ancient Egypt.

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