
Vertiko and Jaunt launch Quebec sustainable air mobility structuring project

Ver­tiko Mobil­i­ty, Jaunt Air Mobil­i­ty and part­ners are to col­lab­o­rate on a project to devel­op an air cor­ri­dor for advanced air mobil­i­ty includ­ing drones, and ulti­mate­ly air taxis.

Ver­tiko Mobil­i­ty is to launch a struc­tur­ing project to enter a drone ser­vice and eVTOL flights as part of actions tak­en by the aero­nau­tics sec­tor for sus­tain­able avi­a­tion pre­sent­ed dur­ing the Volar­ia aero­nau­ti­cal event.

The pro­jec­t’s first ini­tia­tive is to deploy a research and devel­op­ment cor­ri­dor link­ing the City of Joli­ette to the Atikamekw First Nation of Man­awan with the aim to set up the nec­es­sary facil­i­ties for the devel­op­ment and oper­a­tion of new elec­tri­cal­ly pow­ered air vehi­cles such as the Jaunt Jour­ney.

“This opens the door to a new world of oppor­tu­ni­ty and col­lab­o­ra­tion for play­ers in the Cana­di­an aero­space ecosys­tem,” said Yan­nick Richard, Exec­u­tive Vice Pres­i­dent, and John Val­ley, Pres­i­dent of Ver­tiko Mobil­i­ty. “We are pleased to see the launch of this uni­fy­ing project for the entire indus­try while high­light­ing Indige­nous regions and com­mu­ni­ties.”

The deploy­ment of an air cor­ri­dor will address a crit­i­cal need in the Man­awan com­mu­ni­ty for faster access to health care and med­i­cines. The grav­el road link­ing Man­awan to Saint-Michel-des-Saints is per­ilous and has been impli­cat­ed in sev­er­al tragedies.

Man­awan Attikamek coun­cil vice-chief Paul-Émile Ottawa added: “Man­awan sup­ports this project to devel­op an air mobil­i­ty cor­ri­dor that will ulti­mate­ly allow our com­mu­ni­ty eas­i­er access to med­ica­tion and emer­gency treat­ment.”

The devel­op­ment of the ecosys­tem is sup­port­ed by Aéro Mon­tréal, the Con­sor­tium de Recherche et d’In­no­va­tion en Aérospa­tiale du Québec (CRIAQ), as well as the Drone Niche of Excel­lence.

Three major areas of research and devel­op­ment are under­way: the drone or air taxi, the ver­ti­port, and the con­trol and man­age­ment sys­tem.

In June, Jaunt Air Mobil­i­ty Cana­da signed an agree­ment with Glob­al Part­ner Solu­tions (GPSI) to cre­ate a ‘world-class’ sup­ply chain ecosys­tem that will con­tribute to the Jaunt Jour­ney air­craft.

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Jason Pritchard

Jason Pritchard is the Editor of eVTOL Insights. He holds a BA from Leicester's De Montfort University and has worked in Journalism and Public Relations for more than a decade. Outside of work, Jason enjoys playing and watching football and golf. He also has a keen interest in Ancient Egypt.

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