
AMSL Aero secures A$5.43 million in funding from Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) for its Vertiia eVTOL aircraft

AMSL Aero has today (Wednes­day) wel­comed the Aus­tralian Government’s move to back devel­op­ment of its hydro­gen-pow­ered air­craft Ver­ti­ia, after receiv­ing A$5.43 mil­lion in fund­ing from the Aus­tralian Renew­able Ener­gy Agency (ARENA).

The amount will be used to devel­op a hydro­gen fuel-cell sys­tem for its eVTOL air­craft, which will be used to help first respon­ders and emer­gency per­son­nel meet the needs of Aus­tralians liv­ing in region­al and remote areas. 

The ARENA grant pro­vides key fund­ing to demon­strate the fea­si­bil­i­ty of renew­able hydro­gen as a fuel for a Ver­ti­ia air­craft, with a range of up to 1,000km. Ver­ti­ia will be avail­able for mar­kets such as air ambu­lance, emer­gency ser­vices, and pas­sen­ger and car­go trans­port.  

AMSL Aero Founder and CEO, Andrew Moore said: “The sig­nif­i­cant fund­ing pro­vid­ed by ARENA will mean that we can accel­er­ate the design, build and cer­ti­fi­ca­tion activ­i­ties for our long range, hydro­gen-pow­ered eVTOL) air­craft.

“It will mean that patients and pas­sen­gers will have ear­li­er access to the air­craft as a result and will play a key role in decar­bon­is­ing air trans­port in Aus­tralia and abroad. We are very thank­ful that ARENA backs com­pa­nies like ours who are com­mit­ted to clean tech­nol­o­gy that will ben­e­fit soci­ety and our plan­et.” 

Ver­ti­ia is an eight elec­tric motor tilt­ing wing air­craft which can oper­ate from a heli­pad or sim­i­lar size land­ing site. It takes off and lands ver­ti­cal­ly like a heli­copter, but flies fast and effi­cient­ly like a plane.

Ver­ti­ia pro­duces zero car­bon emis­sions using hydro­gen, with a planned com­mer­cial mar­ket entry fol­low­ing cer­ti­fi­ca­tion planned for 2026.

The ini­tial air­craft will be cer­ti­fied for pilot­ed flight, with auton­o­my sys­tems installed for future remote pilot­ed appli­ca­tions. AMSL Aero says Ver­ti­ia will have a cost to oper­ate in the longer term com­pa­ra­ble with short-range (domes­tic) air­lin­ers, but has the advan­tage of tak­ing pas­sen­gers from door-to-door due to not requir­ing a run­way.

Vertiia’s light air ambu­lance set­up will seat a pilot, a para­medic and/or doc­tor and patient, or it will be con­fig­ured to car­ry pas­sen­gers (1 pilot + 4pax). The air­craft will cruise at 300km /hour and its ini­tial range will be 250km on bat­tery and 1,000km on hydro­gen pow­er.

When oper­a­tional, Ver­ti­ia has the capa­bil­i­ty to con­nect Aus­tralian region­al hubs such as Armi­dale to Coffs Har­bour or Dub­bo to Syd­ney and due to the small num­ber of seats it can con­duct on-demand (unsched­uled) ser­vices to reduce excess capac­i­ty  (emp­ty seats).

ARENA CEO, Dar­ren Miller, said the project is a prime exam­ple of Aus­tralian inno­va­tors tak­ing the lead in devel­op­ing renew­able ener­gy solu­tions.

He added: “AMSL Aero is a home­grown Aus­tralian start­up tack­ling one of the many chal­lenges in the tran­si­tion to net zero. Devel­op­ing low emis­sions air trans­port will require a vari­ety of solu­tions, includ­ing hydro­gen and bat­tery elec­tric. AMSL’s work on the Ver­ti­ia is tru­ly pio­neer­ing in this space. For end users like emer­gency ser­vices, this tech­nol­o­gy is an excit­ing prospect for cut­ting emis­sions from air trans­port.”    

Min­is­ter for Cli­mate Change and Ener­gy, Chris Bowen, added that hydro­gen has a big role to play in Australia’s trans­port future.

He said: “The Albanese Gov­ern­ment is proud to be invest­ing in this high-tech avi­a­tion project in par­al­lel to more than A$2.5 bil­lion to get a domes­tic renew­able hydro­gen indus­try off the ground. AMSL’s air­craft could become an impor­tant tool for emer­gency ser­vices per­son­nel, par­tic­u­lar­ly as we face more fre­quent nat­ur­al dis­as­ters.

“Green hydro­gen and oth­er sus­tain­able avi­a­tion fuels are vital to help decar­bonise the hard-to-abate avi­a­tion sec­tor, now account­ing for around 2.5 per cent of glob­al emis­sions.” 

AMSL Aero is a sus­tain­able devel­op­ment aero­space com­pa­ny, which was found­ed by Moore and his wife Siob­han Lyn­don in 2017. Its head­quar­ters is in Bankstown, New South Wales, with flight test facil­i­ties also in the Aus­tralian state. The name ‘AMSL Aero’ is derived from the ini­tials of Andrew and Siob­han, with the com­pa­ny pri­vate­ly backed by investors includ­ing IP Group Aus­tralia,  Tel­stra Super, Host Plus and St Bak­er Ener­gy Inno­va­tion Fund.  

Moore is an aero­nau­ti­cal engi­neer, with more than 20 years’ expe­ri­ence in the air­craft indus­try, while Siob­han, who is COO, has more than 20 years’ expe­ri­ence in the tech­nol­o­gy, telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions, and pro­fes­sion­al ser­vices sec­tors.

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Jason Pritchard

Jason Pritchard is the Editor of eVTOL Insights. He holds a BA from Leicester's De Montfort University and has worked in Journalism and Public Relations for more than a decade. Outside of work, Jason enjoys playing and watching football and golf. He also has a keen interest in Ancient Egypt.

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