
Moya Aero, Fototerra Sign LOI “to acquire 10 Moya eVTOLs”

Unmanned drone ser­vices, Moya Aero, and air­borne geo­graph­ic data com­pa­ny, Fototer­ra, have signed a Let­ter of Intent (LOI) for Fototer­ra to acquire 10 Moya drones for appli­ca­tion in dig­i­tal aer­i­al pho­togram­me­try, hyper­spec­tral dig­i­tal aero pho­togram­me­try, LiDAR Sur­veys and Envi­ron­men­tal Obser­va­tion, reports a press release. 

The Moya drone will be giv­en spe­cif­ic equip­ment for cap­tur­ing images, demon­strat­ing “its ver­sa­til­i­ty in appli­ca­tion.” Fototer­ra offers var­i­ous ser­vices and prod­ucts linked to gen­er­at­ing images includ­ing car­to­graph­ic sur­veys.

The two Brazil­ian com­pa­nies see them­selves on the cut­ting-edge of new tech­nolo­gies and why the part­ner­ship is a good fit. Moya has a catchy ban­ner­line, “Our ideas are cre­ative. Our prod­ucts are trans­for­ma­tive.”

Alexan­dre Zaramela

Alexan­dre Zaramela, CEO of Moya Aero, remarked, ”We have designed our Moya drone for dif­fer­ent pur­pos­es and can adapt the craft accord­ing­ly. Guil­herme Pin­ho, Pres­i­dent and CEO of Fototer­ra, added, ”Our com­pa­ny has always been ahead of its time, imple­ment­ing new tech­nolo­gies. Moya is an essen­tial step towards improv­ing our ser­vice pro­vi­sion.”

The Moya Aero drone will enter into oper­a­tion in 2026.


The Brazil­ian drone com­pa­ny was found­ed in 2020 by Alexan­dre Zaramela and Rena­ta Pao­lil­lo and is a spin-off from ACS Avi­a­tion. The com­pa­ny claims its air­craft is “the first high-capac­i­ty, all-elec­tric and autonomous vehi­cle built in the South­ern Hemi­sphere.”

For more infor­ma­tion



(Top image: Moya Aero)

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