PODCAST: Amprius President Jon Bornstein on the state of battery technology and how its products can help charge the AAM market
Our next podcast is live! This week, we were delighted to be joined by Jon Bornstein, COO at Amprius
Jon is a results-driven leader of R&D, product development, and manufacturing with a record of success in organizations ranging from pre-product start-ups to public companies. He is a Silicon Valley veteran who has spent the better part of his career in the semiconductor industry and brings a wealth of experience in technology development and high volume manufacturing.
In this episode, we talk about Amprius’ role in the emerging Advanced Air Mobility market and its exciting plans to build a gigawatt-hour scale factory site in Brighton, Colorado. Jon tells us about the company’s high-energy lithium-ion battery, the technology behind it but also the advantages for future electric aircraft. We also talk about the recharging cycles.
Click on the Play button below to listen to the episode, which is available on whichever podcast platform you use.