
ResilienX to work with Volatus Infrastructure and Energy Solutions on vertiport project at Wittman Regional Airport in Oshkosh

Vola­tus Infra­struc­ture & Ener­gy Solu­tions has signed a Mem­o­ran­dum of Under­stand­ing (MOU) with ResilienX to col­lab­o­rate on their eVTOL air­craft ver­ti­port project at Wittman Region­al Air­port in Oshkosh, Wis­con­sin.

VI&E Solu­tions aims to engage ResilienX in pro­vid­ing their FRAIHMWORK® solu­tion as an in-time avi­a­tion safe­ty man­age­ment sys­tem (IASMS) capa­bil­i­ty. ResilienX has devel­oped a plat­form around fault tol­er­ance, safe­ty assur­ance and main­te­nance of com­plex sys­tems of sys­tems.

As ver­ti­ports move towards becom­ing more like an air­port and less like a con­crete slab, Vola­tus envi­sions a com­plex sys­tem includ­ing bat­tery charg­ing, sur­veil­lance, comms, weath­er sen­sors, net­work­ing equip­ment and all of the dig­i­tal infra­struc­ture need­ed to man­age and direct oper­a­tions and per­son­nel.

Dan Sloat, CEO of VI&E Solu­tions, said: “As a leader in reli­able, afford­able phys­i­cal infra­struc­ture for Advanced Air Mobil­i­ty, we at VI&E Solu­tions are keen to forge part­ner­ships with lead­ers in robust dig­i­tal infra­struc­ture.

“Ryan and Carter are ded­i­cat­ed pro­fes­sion­als who under­stand that inter­op­er­abil­i­ty is absolute­ly essen­tial. Lever­ag­ing the oper­a­tional exper­tise of ResilienX will prove invalu­able in the long run.”

ResilienX also mon­i­tors the health, integri­ty, and per­for­mance of these diverse sys­tems and orches­trates mit­i­ga­tions to grace­ful­ly degrade as adverse or off-nom­i­nal con­di­tions occur.

Ryan Pleskach, CEO of ResilienX, added: We are thrilled that VI&E Solu­tions has put their trust in us to mon­i­tor the health and per­for­mance of this diverse ecosys­tem. We look for­ward to work­ing through all of the edge cas­es which will give reg­u­la­tors and the pub­lic around the world con­fi­dence in VI&E Solu­tions’ emerg­ing ver­ti­port net­work.”

Found­ed in 2021, Vola­tus Infra­struc­ture & Ener­gy Solu­tions is con­nect­ing com­mu­ni­ties with best-in-class eVTOL infra­struc­ture tech­nol­o­gy to ensure soci­ety is ready for the future.

It offers three mod­u­lar ver­ti­port designs and uni­ver­sal charg­ing sta­tions for elec­tric vehi­cles across all medi­ums: air, land and sea. By tai­lor­ing to spe­cif­ic cus­tomer needs and incor­po­rat­ing the lat­est tech­nolo­gies, their work pos­i­tive­ly impacts clients and the com­mu­ni­ties they serve glob­al­ly.

This lat­est announce­ment from Vola­tus fol­lows on from a recent part­ner­ship it con­firmed with LYTE Avi­a­tion, where it will look to expand refu­elling options at ver­ti­ports in the USA. And ear­li­er this month, Vola­tus and eVer­tiSKY signed ‘a strate­gic agree­ment’ out­lin­ing a num­ber of joint Urban Air Mobil­i­ty projects which include col­lab­o­rat­ing at the 2024 UAM Liv­ing Lab.

For more infor­ma­tion about the work Vola­tus is doing in the Advanced Air Mobil­i­ty mar­ket, click here to lis­ten to a recent pod­cast episode fea­tur­ing Vola­tus’ Chief Com­mer­cial Offi­cer Bob John­son. He also shares his thoughts on ver­ti­port site selec­tion when inte­grat­ing this new infra­struc­ture into our cities.

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Jason Pritchard

Jason Pritchard is the Editor of eVTOL Insights. He holds a BA from Leicester's De Montfort University and has worked in Journalism and Public Relations for more than a decade. Outside of work, Jason enjoys playing and watching football and golf. He also has a keen interest in Ancient Egypt.

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