Watch Video: NBC TV Interviews Joby Aviation Head of Product, Eric Allison (9.30’ Long)
The TV news network, NBC Bay Area, interviewed Joby Aviation Head of Product, Eric Allison, at the weekend. It is a lengthy piece at 9 minutes 30 seconds long and presenter Scott McGrew, puts Joby in a good light.
McGrew begins by pointing out, “The Jetson future is coming, but we have to find the right company,” reminding viewers that Kitty Hawk, an early promise of this future, is now no-more. He explains that Joby, on the other hand, “has a real aircraft, carrying real pilots, and performing real missions.” His vocal manner is a cross between disbelief and excitement.
Allison says Joby has been flying prototypes for over four years which once again, shows just how far ahead the company is compared to its American rivals. An array of subjects are discussed including the all-important low noise level during flight compared to a helicopter.

Eric Allison
Allison joined Joby in January 2021. His credentials are impressive. He is a former Head of Uber Elevate; was CEO and Director of Engineering at Zee.Aero for eight years; and studied at Stanford University where he gained a Ph.D in Aeronautics and Astronautics.
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(Top image: Taken from NBC Video)