
Watch Video: NBC TV Interviews Joby Aviation Head of Product, Eric Allison (9.30’ Long)

The TV news net­work, NBC Bay Area, inter­viewed Joby Avi­a­tion Head of Prod­uct, Eric Alli­son, at the week­end. It is a lengthy piece at 9 min­utes 30 sec­onds long and pre­sen­ter Scott McGrew, puts Joby in a good light. 

McGrew begins by point­ing out, “The Jet­son future is com­ing, but we have to find the right com­pa­ny,” remind­ing view­ers that Kit­ty Hawk, an ear­ly promise of this future, is now no-more. He explains that Joby, on the oth­er hand, “has a real air­craft, car­ry­ing real pilots, and per­form­ing real mis­sions.” His vocal man­ner is a cross between dis­be­lief and excite­ment. 

Alli­son says Joby has been fly­ing pro­to­types for over four years which once again, shows just how far ahead the com­pa­ny is com­pared to its Amer­i­can rivals. An array of sub­jects are dis­cussed includ­ing the all-impor­tant low noise lev­el dur­ing flight com­pared to a heli­copter.

Eric Alli­son

Alli­son joined Joby in Jan­u­ary 2021. His cre­den­tials are impres­sive. He is a for­mer Head of Uber Ele­vate; was CEO and Direc­tor of Engi­neer­ing at Zee.Aero for eight years; and stud­ied at Stan­ford Uni­ver­si­ty where he gained a Ph.D in Aero­nau­tics and Astro­nau­tics.

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(Top image: Tak­en from NBC Video)

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