
Electra Aero Order Book “Surpasses 2,000 Aircraft with Latest Commitments from JetSetGo, LYGG and Charm”

Elec­tra Aero, a U.S‑based eSTOL (elec­tric short take­off and land­ing) air­craft man­u­fac­tur­er, announced this week over 2,000 pre-order sales with a mar­ket val­ue exceed­ing USD8 bil­lion, reports a press release.

The com­pa­ny passed this impres­sive mile­stone on Jan­u­ary 19th when it signed a Let­ter of Intent (LOI) with Jet­Set­Go Avi­a­tion at India’s Wings exhi­bi­tion. This adds to oth­er recent LOIs with U.S‑based LYGG and Finland’s Charm. 

Pur­chasers are attract­ed to Electra’s eSTOL air­craft for its quick and easy take-off abil­i­ties, gen­er­al flex­i­bil­i­ty, as well as offer­ing the all-impor­tant sus­tain­abil­i­ty. Whether facil­i­tat­ing short-dis­tance flights from urban ver­ti­ports; cov­er­ing longer jour­neys of up to 500 miles to region­al air­ports; or fly­ing adven­ture tours and med­ical mis­sions to loca­tions with­out ground infra­struc­ture.

The com­pa­nies Elec­tra have recent­ly signed LOIs with are impres­sive. Jet­Set­Go has been cov­ered recent­ly by evtolinsights.com. This India-based pri­vate avi­a­tion com­pa­ny, led by co-Founder and CEO, Dani­ka Tekri­w­al, is a first mover to embrace Advanced Air Mobil­i­ty (AAM). Giv­en the ter­ri­ble road con­ges­tion Indi­an cities face, the coun­try is primed for the green avi­a­tion rev­o­lu­tion, assist­ed by a Gov­ern­ment deter­mined to be a glob­al leader of this new indus­try.

Tekri­w­al com­ment­ed, “Elec­tra is the right part­ner with the right tech­nol­o­gy to make our UAM vision a real­i­ty. The com­pa­ny is com­mit­ted to part­ner­ing with Jet­Set­Go for the long term to grow region­al trans­porta­tion mar­kets and help bring jobs and vital eco­nom­ic growth to com­mu­ni­ties in India.”

The Finnish LYGG “is an on-demand plat­form for region­al flights main­ly at air­ports out­side metrop­o­lis­es in Nordic and Euro­pean trav­el mar­kets,” explains the release. “LYGG will offer its oper­a­tors the pur­chase of Electra’s eSTOL planes through the Hybrid as a Ser­vice mod­el, pro­vid­ing financ­ing and prof­itabil­i­ty for oper­a­tors.”

Roope Kekäläi­nen, CEO of LYGG, remarked, “Electra’s eSTOL capa­bil­i­ty allows us to rewrite the def­i­n­i­tion of direct con­nec­tions for envi­ron­men­tal­ly con­scious busi­ness trav­ellers using exist­ing air­fields clos­er to city cen­tres, reduc­ing valu­able time spent in the air.”

Marc Aus­man, Elec­tra Chief Prod­uct Offi­cer, added, “Our cli­mate-friend­ly hybrid eSTOL air­craft will fly region­al dis­tances at reduced oper­at­ing costs that enable LYGG to serve exist­ing city to city region­al routes as well as open up valu­able new des­ti­na­tions.”

Charm, one of the largest heli­copter tour oper­a­tors in the North­east­ern Unit­ed States, aims to intro­duce Electra’s eSTOL air­craft to the heli­ports and ver­ti­ports of Man­hat­tan. The craft can oper­ate in the avail­able space, require no charg­ing infra­struc­ture and pro­vide a qui­eter, more cost-effec­tive solu­tion per seat mile than tra­di­tion­al heli­copters and eVTOLs.

Cait Ephraim, Pres­i­dent of Charm Avi­a­tion, point­ed out, “We can now offer trav­ellers a much greater choice of trav­el des­ti­na­tions, while ensur­ing that we’re a good neigh­bour to our sur­round­ing com­mu­ni­ty with clean, safe flight oper­a­tions.”

Aus­man added, “Electra’s air­craft has the range to trans­form New York City’s heli­ports from urban flight ter­mi­nals into region­al trans­port hubs with direct flights to cities and small­er com­mu­ni­ties along the East Coast.”

The release con­tin­ues, “Elec­tra is cur­rent­ly devel­op­ing a hybrid eSTOL air­craft to enable rapid, safe, and afford­able trans­porta­tion of both pas­sen­gers and car­go with­in urban and region­al net­works. The plane’s unique abil­i­ty to take off and land in spaces as small as a soc­cer field, cou­pled with a cruis­ing speed of 175 knots and in-flight bat­tery recharg­ing, enables flight oper­a­tions from places pre­vi­ous­ly inac­ces­si­ble by flight includ­ing con­vert­ed park­ing lots, barges, and very short land­ing strips.” 

Ini­tial­ly designed to accom­mo­date up to nine pas­sen­gers or 2,500 lbs of car­go, the pilot­ed fixed-wing air­craft will cov­er dis­tances of close to 500 miles in all weath­er con­di­tions.

For more infor­ma­tion

Electra.aero, Inc 

(Top image: Cred­it — Elec­tra Aero)  

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