
Flewber Global Purchases First Cirrus Vision Jet “for Flewber Hops Personal Air Mobility Service”

Flew­ber Glob­al Inc. announced this week, the acqui­si­tion of its first Cir­rus Vision Jet for an up and com­ing Flew­ber Hops per­son­al air mobil­i­ty ser­vice, reports a press release. An inno­va­tor in local and region­al air taxi oper­a­tions, the com­pa­ny is bring­ing the con­ve­nience of ride-hail­ing from the street to the sky, mark­ing a sig­nif­i­cant step for­ward in Flewber’s mis­sion “to rev­o­lu­tionise air trav­el by offer­ing local on-demand, per-seat Hops air taxis and whole air­craft region­al Hops air mobil­i­ty ser­vices,” says the release.

Flew­ber aims, ini­tial­ly, to intro­duce its per-seat Hops air taxi ser­vice in the New York Metro area, offer­ing pas­sen­gers a swift and easy escape from traf­fic con­ges­tion as they fly between key busi­ness and recre­ation­al des­ti­na­tions.

Addi­tion­al­ly, Flew­ber Hops will pro­vide cus­tomers “with the flex­i­bil­i­ty to fly on-demand to and from region­al des­ti­na­tions with­in 155 miles of the company’s cen­tral hubs in New York,” before eVTOL air­craft become avail­able for such short dis­tance air trav­el, like­ly posi­tion­ing Flew­ber “with an ear­ly entry advan­tage into this mar­ket.”

Marc Sel­l­ouk, Founder and CEO of Flew­ber, com­ment­ed, “We are thrilled to add the Cir­rus Vision Jet to our fleet. This air­craft is the per­fect embod­i­ment of our vision for Flew­ber Hops. It’s safe, effi­cient, sus­tain­able and tech­no­log­i­cal­ly advanced, mak­ing it ide­al for pro­vid­ing our cus­tomers, with a seam­less and per­son­alised trav­el expe­ri­ence.”

Team Flew­ber

By using under­utilised local air­ports, Flew­ber aims “to rev­o­lu­tionise trav­el for both busi­ness and leisure trav­el­ers, offer­ing a con­ve­nient and time­sav­ing new way to get around.” 

Sel­l­ouk con­tin­ued, “We believe Flew­ber Hops has the poten­tial to trans­form the way peo­ple trav­el. Our goal is to make local and region­al Per­son­al Air Mobil­i­ty (PAM) a more acces­si­ble and afford­able alter­na­tive to crowd­ed air­ports, roads and rail lines, while still pro­vid­ing our cus­tomers with the same lev­el of con­ve­nience they expect.”

Todd Sim­mons, Pres­i­dent of Cus­tomer Expe­ri­ence of Cir­rus Air­craft, remarked,“Our Vision Jet is an excel­lent region­al mis­sion air­craft with best-in-class effi­cien­cy and indus­try-lead­ing safe­ty sys­tems such as the Cir­rus Air­frame Para­chute Sys­tem and Safe Return Autoland. Along with lead­ing-edge cab­in com­fort and pas­sen­ger ameni­ties, the Jet is the ide­al plat­form for the inno­v­a­tive new Flew­ber Hops per­son­al trans­porta­tion mod­el.”

Flew­ber Hops flights will be avail­able for book­ing through the company’s mobile app.

For more infor­ma­tion



(Top image: Cir­rus Vision Jet)

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