
Reuters, Asian Airlines & Aerospace and Simple Flying to attend eVTOL Insights’ ‘Behind Closed Doors’ event at Singapore Airshow

Reuters, Asian Air­lines & Aero­space and Sim­ple Fly­ing are the lat­est media out­lets con­firmed to attend eVTOL Insights’ upcom­ing ‘Behind Closed Doors’ net­work­ing event before the Sin­ga­pore Air­show.

With only only four weeks to go, any com­pa­nies which are plan­ning to attend the air­show — which takes place from Feb­ru­ary 20th to 25th, are urged to get in touch and secure their spot.

eVTOL Insights’ ‘Behind Closed Doors’ event in Sin­ga­pore will be held in a pri­vate room at the icon­ic Raf­fles Hotel on Mon­day, Feb­ru­ary 19th. Tak­ing place from 12noon to 3pm, it will be split into two sec­tions: the first 90 min­utes will bring togeth­er some of the lead­ing indus­try exec­u­tives in Advanced Air Mobil­i­ty for face-to-face net­work­ing.

Then the final 90 min­utes will be when some of the avi­a­tion medi­a’s top edi­tors and reporters join the room and con­tin­ue the fruit­ful dis­cus­sions. Dur­ing the event, live video inter­views will be con­duct­ed by eVTOL Insights’ Exec­u­tive Edi­tor Jason Pritchard, as we build up to what will be an excit­ing air­show pro­gramme that week. Food and drink will be pro­vid­ed.

Among the com­pa­nies already con­firmed to attend include Super­nal and FreeFlight Sys­tems — which are kind­ly spon­sor­ing this par­tic­u­lar event — as well as Alton Avi­a­tion Con­sul­tan­cy, Groupe ADP, Sky­ports Infra­struc­ture and Cana­di­an Advanced Air Mobil­i­ty Con­sor­tium.

Sin­ga­pore will be the sec­ond ‘Behind Closed Doors’ event host­ed by eVTOL Insights, after its suc­cess­ful debut in Novem­ber 2023 before the Dubai Air­show.

Spaces are still avail­able for com­pa­nies plan­ning to attend the Sin­ga­pore Air­show and we encour­age bring­ing mar­ket­ing or pro­mo­tion­al mate­r­i­al to put on dis­play.

For more infor­ma­tion, please email Doreen Pupil­lo, Head of Part­ner­ships at eVTOL Insights, at doreen@evtolinsights.com

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Jason Pritchard

Jason Pritchard is the Editor of eVTOL Insights. He holds a BA from Leicester's De Montfort University and has worked in Journalism and Public Relations for more than a decade. Outside of work, Jason enjoys playing and watching football and golf. He also has a keen interest in Ancient Egypt.

eVTOL Insights is part of the Industry Insights Group. Registered in the UK. Company No: 14395769