
U.S: Walmart Expands Drone Delivery “to 1.8 million Texas Homes in Dallas-Fort Worth Area”

Wal­mart is con­tin­u­ing its drone deliv­ery expan­sion, offer­ing ser­vices now to 1.8 mil­lion Texas homes, reports a press release. The super­mar­ket retail­er is work­ing with Wing and Zipline to reach up to 75 per­cent of the Dal­las-Fort Worth (DFW) area’s pop­u­la­tion. The expan­sion also includes stores across more than 30 towns and munic­i­pal­i­ties in the region’s metro­plex.

Wal­mart has stat­ed that recent Fed­er­al Avi­a­tion Admin­is­tra­tion (FAA) exemp­tions grant­ed to both Wing and Zipline, allow the two drone deliv­ery com­pa­nies to fly Beyond Visu­al Line of Sight (BVLOS), enabling this expan­sion.

The deliv­ery radius for area stores pro­vid­ing the ser­vice will be up to 10 miles, an increase from the six mile range rolled out last year. Eli­gi­ble cus­tomers can order thou­sands of items, rang­ing from house­hold essen­tials to gro­ceries, through Wing and Zipline’s web­sites.

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Prathib­ha Rajashekhar, Wal­mart U.S. Senior Vice Pres­i­dent of Inno­va­tion and Automa­tion, com­ment­ed, “This expan­sion brings the ulti­mate con­ve­nience of drone deliv­ery to com­mu­ni­ties across the DFW area. Cus­tomers will have access to a broad assort­ment of items from Wal­mart avail­able for deliv­ery to their home in just min­utes.”

The Dal­las-Fort Worth metro­plex has become a hotspot for Walmart’s grow­ing drone deliv­ery ambi­tions after the com­pa­ny launched ser­vices there with Drone­Up in 2022. Last August it debuted its deliv­ery offer­ing with Wing in two area cities, reach­ing 60,000 homes. Wing is to launch its lat­est drone deliv­ery loca­tions with Wal­mart in the com­ing months, with the expan­sion due to be com­plet­ed this year.

Mean­while, Zipline will begin inte­grat­ing its own drone deliv­ery capa­bil­i­ties into DFW Wal­mart stores lat­er this year after con­duct­ing tri­als, so co-Founder and CEO, Keller Rin­aud-Cliffton, states in an arti­cle on Zipline’s web­site. 

He remarked, “Over time, we plan to serve mil­lions of Dal­las res­i­dents with thou­sands of qui­et, fast, pre­cise Zipline deliv­er­ies every day. It will feel like tele­por­ta­tion.”

The com­pa­ny cur­rent­ly offers deliv­ery at a Wal­mart loca­tion in Pea Ridge, Arkansas.

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(Images: Wing and Zipline)

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