
Vertiports Market “Worth Over USD11 Billion Annually by 2030”

There are plen­ty of mar­ket research reports being pub­lished today claim­ing the eVTOL indus­try could be worth “mil­lions, bil­lions or even tril­lions of dol­lars in ten, twen­ty, thir­ty or forty years time.” Pro­jec­tions which should be tak­en with a mas­sive pinch of salt, but… it is unusu­al to find a sim­i­lar report for the ver­ti­port indus­try, espe­cial­ly when few, if any, have been con­struct­ed yet.

Yet, this hasn’t stopped EIN Press­wire, menafn.com, to pub­lish an exten­sive arti­cle about the poten­tial of the ver­ti­port indus­try, even though the research comes from an alleged “Social Net­work­ing Ser­vice (SNS) Insid­er”… what­ev­er that means.

This dubi­ous insid­er claims that “The Ver­ti­ports Mar­ket is poised to rede­fine urban mobil­i­ty, tar­get­ing a val­u­a­tion sur­pass­ing USD11.05 bil­lion by 2030, fuelled by advance­ments in automa­tion, robot­ics, and sus­tain­able elec­tric Ver­ti­cal Take­off and Land­ing (eVTOL) tech­nol­o­gy, promis­ing a future where the skies are seam­less­ly inte­grat­ed into our dai­ly com­mute.” Pre­sum­ably, this report has tak­en a vague num­ber then dou­bled or tre­bled it!

Accord­ing to the SNS insid­er, “The Ver­ti­ports Mar­ket was val­ued at USD 0.24 bil­lion in 2022 (real­ly… when none have been built or used?) with pro­jec­tions soar­ing to USD11.05 bil­lion by 2030. This mete­oric rise fore­casts a remark­able Com­pound Annu­al Growth Rate (CAGR) of 61.4 per­cent from 2023 to 2030,” adding with euphuis­tic grandeur, “Indica­tive of an era where the skies are the next fron­tier for urban trans­porta­tion.”

(Cred­it — Lukas Preis/ResearchGate) 

The report then points to indus­try lead­ers like Alta­port, Fer­rovial, Volo­copter, Air­bus and Sky­portz in a bid, pre­sum­ably, to offer some kind of grav­i­tas to “these claims”. Then a brief seg­ment analy­sis is offered that includes a range of pos­si­ble types from ver­ti­hubs and ver­ti­pads to vert­ibas­es, vertis­ta­tions and actu­al ver­ti­ports.

This is fol­lowed by key regions where the infra­struc­ture could take hold with North Amer­i­ca tak­ing the lead. This assump­tion comes with no sup­port­ive evi­dence. Why not men­tion the Mid­dle East, Chi­na or South Amer­i­ca?

The final joke being the link giv­en at the end of the arti­cle doesn’t exist. When clicked on it states “404 Page Not Found.” Per­haps, this arti­cle is lit­tle more than click­bait? Wise­ly, Menafn state at the end of the fea­ture, “Legal Dis­claimer: MENAFN pro­vides the infor­ma­tion “as is” with­out war­ran­ty of any kind.”

Such arti­cles put the ver­ti­port mar­ket in a bad light and are not only a dis­ser­vice, but an embar­rass­ment to the indus­try, espe­cial­ly when major com­pa­ny names are men­tioned.

The moral of the sto­ry: Take every eVTOL, drone and ver­ti­port report claim­ing such future mar­kets are worth $$$$$$ with a huge pinch of salt. And the high­er the amount fore­cast, the more like­ly the arti­cle is click­bait.

For more infor­ma­tion


(Top image: Cred­it — Han­wha Systems/Skyports)

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