
Watch Latest Videos of Hyundai’s Supernal S‑A2 eVTOL Aircraft

Hyundai’s Super­nal S‑A2 eVTOL Air­craft made a big impres­sion at the recent CES 2024 in Las Vegas show­ing, once again, how inter­est­ed and all-embrac­ing the pub­lic are with the impend­ing green avi­a­tion rev­o­lu­tion. 

The team at TechCrunch.com made a video of the S‑A2 stat­ing on its YouTube page, “Get a first­hand look at what it’s like to be inside an elec­tric ver­ti­cal take­off vehi­cle that could be fly­ing through the skies by 2028.” 

The video is 40 sec­onds long and offers a close-up look of both the eVTOL exte­ri­or and inte­ri­or. Social media was quick to point out the sim­i­lar­i­ties to Mid­night, but per­haps, Archer’s Lead Design­er, Julien Mon­tousse and his team, have unwit­ting­ly cre­at­ed a tem­plate for the future fly­ing taxi indus­try? Most con­ven­tion­al planes, trains and bus­es, for exam­ple, offer a sim­i­lar look through­out the world, so why not the eVTOLs of the future?

Giv­en Super­nal does not intend to begin com­mer­cial oper­a­tions until 2028, who knows what changes and tweaks may occur, but for now, in the words of Oscar Wilde, “Imi­ta­tion is the sin­cer­est form of flat­tery.”

Please Watch Video

Super­nal has also released its own video, pre­miered on Jan­u­ary 9th at the CES event.

For more infor­ma­tion


(News Source: https://techcrunch.com/)

(Videos: TechCrunch and Super­nal — Top image: Super­nal)

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