
Montgomery Regional Airport Collaborates with BETA Technologies “to Commission Alabama’s First Electric Aviation Charger”  

Mont­gomery Region­al Air­port (MGM) is col­lab­o­rat­ing with BETA Tech­nolo­gies, to install the first-ever elec­tric air­craft charg­ing sta­tion in the state of Alaba­ma, reports a press release. Alaba­ma Pow­er also serves as a part­ner to bring these charg­ers online for pub­lic access. 

The charg­ing sta­tions designed by BETA “are mul­ti­modal and inter­op­er­a­ble, capa­ble of pow­er­ing elec­tric air­craft and ground vehi­cles alike,” explains the release. “The MGM instal­la­tions include one Lev­el 3 Fast-Charg­er locat­ed inside the fence (air side), pri­mar­i­ly for use by elec­tric air­craft, and one Lev­el 2 Charg­er locat­ed out­side the fence (car side), pri­mar­i­ly for use by pub­lic EVs.”

Mont­gomery Region­al is well-posi­tioned to sup­port the gen­er­al elec­tric trans­porta­tion future, cur­rent­ly poised to grow the econ­o­my and asso­ci­at­ed job oppor­tu­ni­ties. 

Wade A. Davis, MGM Exec­u­tive Direc­tor, com­ment­ed, “With the com­mis­sion­ing of our state-of-the-art elec­tric air­craft charg­er, we are not only ener­gis­ing the spir­it of inno­va­tion, but also main­tain­ing a com­mit­ment to be envi­ron­men­tal­ly respon­si­ble. This is a first for the state of Alaba­ma.” 

MGM held a com­mis­sion­ing event yes­ter­day (Feb­ru­ary 5th), with rep­re­sen­ta­tives from BETA, Alaba­ma Pow­er, ALDOT and state gov­ern­ment. BETA also flew its all-elec­tric ALIA air­craft into the Region­al Air­port to receive an inau­gur­al air­side charge. The air­craft arrived in Alaba­ma fol­low­ing a months-long deploy­ment with the USAF at Duke Field in Flori­da.

Blain New­ton, BETA’s COO, remarked, “As we move clos­er to get­ting elec­tric air­craft into oper­a­tion, it is crit­i­cal that we are build­ing charg­ing infra­struc­ture where our cus­tomers need it. Mont­gomery marks the first charg­er in Alaba­ma as we con­tin­ue to deploy our charg­ers in key mar­kets that will help accel­er­ate con­nec­tiv­i­ty among region­al and rur­al com­mu­ni­ties.”

This new charge site is part of a grow­ing nation­al net­work of elec­tric infra­struc­ture that BETA is build­ing out across the U.S. So far, the com­pa­ny has brought charg­ers online at 17 site loca­tions from Ver­mont to Arkansas and Flori­da, with more than 55 addi­tion­al sites in devel­op­ment for pub­lic and pri­vate use by com­mer­cial, mil­i­tary and med­ical enti­ties. 

For more infor­ma­tion

(Images: BETA Tech­nolo­gies)

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