
COMPANY CATEGORY SPOTLIGHT: eVTOL Insights shares more award details with three weeks until entry deadline

With entries already com­ing in thick and fast for eVTOL Insights’ first Advanced Air Mobil­i­ty Awards, here are some more details about the ‘Com­pa­ny’ cat­e­gories fea­tured in our list.

The dead­line to sub­mit entries is more than three weeks away, on Fri­day, April 19th, with the in-per­son awards cer­e­mo­ny tak­ing place at Le Mount Stephen Hotel on Thurs­day, May 2nd — after eVTOL Insights’ Mon­tre­al Con­fer­ence.

  • Best Place to Work 2024

What makes your com­pa­ny the best place to work? Is it the team, the loca­tion, the ben­e­fits, the engi­neer­ing excel­lence, the vision or is there some­thing else. Your busi­ness deserves to be recog­nised for the effort it puts in to be the very best, tell the world about it by enter­ing this cat­e­go­ry.

  • Best Com­pa­ny Cul­ture Award 2024

Does your com­pa­ny do things dif­fer­ent­ly? Do you offer perks, ben­e­fits and an envi­ron­ment which your team loves and which oth­ers seek to emu­late? Enter this cat­e­go­ry, share your knowl­edge and expe­ri­ence and shout about your com­pa­ny’s cul­ture and the ben­e­fit it brings to your busi­ness and the wider indus­try.

  • Best Approach to Diver­si­ty, Equal­i­ty & Inclu­sion 2024

How does your busi­ness approach Diver­si­ty, Equal­i­ty and Inclu­sion (DEI), ensur­ing all employ­ees and poten­tial new col­leagues are treat­ed equal­ly and fair­ly in the work­place? Include details about your ini­tia­tives, how they were cre­at­ed and have devel­oped. Pro­mote your achieve­ments and the impact they have had to date and how your approach might evolve in the future.

  • Com­pa­ny of the Year (under 50 employ­ees)

Which is the small busi­ness that impress­es you most? Tell us why you think they deserve this award.

  • Com­pa­ny of the Year (50–100 employ­ees)

Which is the mid-size busi­ness that deserves the applause? Tell us why you think they should win this award.

  • Com­pa­ny of the Year (100+ employ­ees)

Which is the larg­er busi­ness which most stands out as hav­ing excelled in 2024? Tell us why they deserve recog­ni­tion.

Tick­ets to attend the final awards cer­e­mo­ny are now on sale and cost $200 from our Eventbrite page. For any ques­tions about the entry process or awards in gen­er­al, please email Jason Pritchard, Exec­u­tive Edi­tor at eVTOL Insights, at jason@evtolinsights.com

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Jason Pritchard

Jason Pritchard is the Editor of eVTOL Insights. He holds a BA from Leicester's De Montfort University and has worked in Journalism and Public Relations for more than a decade. Outside of work, Jason enjoys playing and watching football and golf. He also has a keen interest in Ancient Egypt.

eVTOL Insights is part of the Industry Insights Group. Registered in the UK. Company No: 14395769