
LIFT Launches “World’s First eVTOL Pay-Per-Flight Experience” 

LIFT Air­craft has made his­to­ry with the launch of “the world’s first cus­tomer eVTOL Pay-Per-Flight” expe­ri­ence, reports a press release.

The announce­ment was made dur­ing a live broad­cast flight on the U.S‑based ABC TV last month. As host of Good Morn­ing Amer­i­ca, Rob Mar­ciano, while pilot­ing the LIFT, remarked, “This is amaz­ing! This is the future of per­son­al air trans­porta­tion!”

Fol­low­ing the broad­cast, the com­pa­ny has announced this week the begin­ning of its eager­ly await­ed U.S Tour. This marks an impor­tant mile­stone in the com­pa­ny’s jour­ney “to democ­ra­tise per­son­al flight and rede­fine urban trans­porta­tion.”

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LIFT’s “pay-per-flight expe­ri­ence” is now avail­able to the pub­lic. The company’s inau­gur­al mobile loca­tion will be oper­at­ing through until April 28th at Lake­land Lin­der Air­port, home of the Sun ‘N’ Fun Aero­space Expo, where LIFT will also be seen fly­ing in air­shows and allow­ing cus­tomers to fly dur­ing its well-known event (April 9th-14th). Cus­tomer flights are to con­tin­ue in Austin, Texas dur­ing May, with fur­ther expan­sion into addi­tion­al cities to be announced in the near future. 

The release explains, “Any­one can train and fly LIFT’s air­craft, HEXA. The expe­ri­ence, which lasts approx­i­mate­ly 2 hours and includes com­pre­hen­sive ground train­ing, allow­ing cus­tomers to famil­iarise them­selves with the air­craft and its con­trols before fly­ing the air­craft in a vir­tu­al real­i­ty flight sim­u­la­tor, offer­ing a real­is­tic pre­view of what’s next. Once trained, par­tic­i­pants pilot HEXA them­selves, all under the guid­ance of expe­ri­enced flight instruc­tors and all with no pilot’s license required.”

Ama­zon CEO Jeff Bezos sits in the Hexa rotor­craft and chats with Lift Air­craft CEO Matt Chasen, stand­ing along­side the craft, dur­ing Amazon’s MARS Con­fer­ence in March 2019

Matt Chasen, Founder and CEO of LIFT Air­craft, com­ment­ed, ”We are very excit­ed to bring the future of per­son­al avi­a­tion to life with the launch of our cus­tomer eVTOL flights. We’re not just pro­vid­ing enter­tain­ment, we’re offer­ing the chance to step into a new era of mobil­i­ty. We’re push­ing the bound­aries of what’s pos­si­ble in avi­a­tion.”

Flights can be booked through the company’s new­ly unveiled mobile app (Apple App Store and Google Play) or direct­ly through the company’s web­site:



Austin, Texas-based LIFT Air­craft is at the fore­front of the Advanced Air Mobil­i­ty (AAM) rev­o­lu­tion. The com­pa­ny has been award­ed mul­ti­ple con­tracts with the U.S Air Force and is work­ing with first response organ­i­sa­tions to use their air­craft for defence and pub­lic ser­vice. 

HEXA, LIFT Aircraft’s mul­ti-rotor, amphibi­ous, ultra­light vehi­cle, democ­ra­tis­es the expe­ri­ence of pilot­ing an air­craft, mak­ing the joy and util­i­ty of per­son­al, ver­ti­cal flight acces­si­ble to all… NO pilot’s licence required.

(Images: LIFT Air­craft)

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