
Manna Drone Delivery “Collaborates With Boojum Burrito Chain, Expands To Blanchardstown”

Man­na Drone Deliv­ery, for­mer­ly Man­na Aero, con­tin­ues to pio­neer and its lat­est part­ner­ship is with Ireland’s lead­ing Mex­i­can-inspired bur­ri­to chain, Boo­jum, reports a press release.  

This “ready to take and deliv­er your bur­ri­to order” will include Manna’s lat­est tri­al in the town of Blan­chard­stown, pop­u­la­tion 100,000. The ser­vice allows fresh bur­ri­tos deliv­ered to your doorstep in just min­utes after order­ing online.

Bob­by Healy, Founder and CEO of Man­na remarked, “Food deliv­ery today can be expen­sive and slow. With more than 150,000 deliv­er­ies under our belt across two sep­a­rate coun­tries, we are more than ready to pro­vide ser­vices to anoth­er mar­ket and Blan­chard­stown is that spot.” 

He con­tin­ued, “Boo­jum is also the ide­al part­ner to help us kick­start our expan­sion to the Blan­chard­stown area. We are both Irish-born pio­neer­ing brands, col­lab­o­rat­ing to dri­ve inno­va­tion in the food deliv­ery indus­try.” Adding,  “We are already excit­ed by the com­mu­ni­ty’s reac­tion as we get start­ed.”

The release explains, “Man­na is rev­o­lu­tion­is­ing last-mile logis­tics by cre­at­ing a fast, sus­tain­able and low-cost drone deliv­ery ser­vice that brings peo­ple the things they need, when they need it. The ser­vice reduces the num­ber of cars on the road, brings down the num­ber of traf­fic acci­dents, and low­ers car­bon emis­sions.”

The oper­a­tor also pro­vides busi­ness­es like Boo­jum with a fresh con­cept on how to reach new cus­tomers.

David Maxwell, MD of Boo­jum, enthused, “Inno­va­tion is a core part of Boojum’s cul­ture and has been since the ear­ly days of pio­neer­ing the Mex­i­can din­ing mar­ket in Ire­land. As we grow, we’re always look­ing for ways to improve our offer­ing. We are look­ing for­ward to tak­ing to the skies, thanks to Man­na.”

The bur­ri­to ser­vice is avail­able sev­en days a week (weath­er per­mit­ting) begin­ning with select eir­codes in the Dublin 15 area. The deliv­ery will grad­u­al­ly expand across Dublin in the com­ing months.

For more infor­ma­tion


(Images: Manna/Boojum)

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