
“Small eVTOL Copters Could Be Flying Passengers Around UAE and Saudi Arabia within a Few Years”

Small eCopters car­ry­ing up to two pas­sen­gers could be fer­ry­ing peo­ple around the UAE and Sau­di Ara­bia with­in just a few years, claims Fly­Now CEO, reports ‘Gulf Busi­ness: Sit­u­a­tion Today.’ 

Aus­tria-based, Fly­Now Avi­a­tion, is work­ing on a small air­craft sim­i­lar look­ing to Lift’s HEXA. The eCopter was Safe­ty Cer­ti­fied by EASA a few months ago, so the process is under­way.

Fly­Now has devel­oped a 360kg vehi­cle that is effec­tive­ly an eCopter. It has enough space to fit up to two pas­sen­gers; can fly autonomous­ly; along­side mul­ti­ple bat­tery and motor back­up redun­dan­cies to improve safe­ty.

Jür­gen Greil, CEO of Fly­Now, explained, “While in flight, the eCopter can trav­el 130 km/h, up to 300 metres above the ground, and has a bat­tery charge range of 30 min­utes. Our vehi­cle could help ease road con­ges­tion espe­cial­ly in cities such as Riyadh and Dubai.”

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The next step is set­ting up a Sand­box Test­ing Envi­ron­ment for the vehi­cle. Greil con­tin­ues, “At first, the flights will car­ry just car­go pay­loads of up to 200kg, but we are hop­ing to quick­ly expand this to pas­sen­ger tri­als. Hope­ful­ly, after all the nec­es­sary pre-paper­work and every­thing is done, we can actu­al­ly start the Sand­box Oper­a­tion ear­ly next year.”

Fly­Now aims to be a sup­pli­er of the vehi­cles only and is seek­ing to col­lab­o­rate with com­pa­nies who can assist in form­ing favourable ecosys­tems around the region, enabling pas­sen­gers to jump aboard and use them as a rapid new form of mobil­i­ty. The idea is for users to book an eCopter ride via an App.

As evtolinsights.com con­tin­ues to point out, the Mid­dle East region will and is lead­ing the Advanced Air Mobil­i­ty rev­o­lu­tion, so this lat­est futur­is­tic con­cept is not only pos­si­ble, but viable.

Jür­gen Greil

For more infor­ma­tion


(Images: Fly­Now Avi­a­tion)

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