
U.S: “Wendy’s to Join Drone Delivery Revolution” 

Wendy’s cus­tomers around Amer­i­ca may soon be receiv­ing their take­away food order by drone, due to a new col­lab­o­ra­tion between Wing and Door­Dash, reports the nypost.com. A pilot pro­gram rolled out late last week in Chris­tians­burg, Vir­ginia, where drones are deliv­er­ing burg­ers, fries and a Frosty to cus­tomers in less than 30 min­utes.

A Door­dash spokesper­son com­ment­ed, “Select local con­sumers will be able to order eli­gi­ble menu items from Wendy’s through the Door­Dash mar­ket­place and have them deliv­ered via drone.” This is the trial’s first restau­rant part­ner. Wing drones will fly the eli­gi­ble items includ­ing Bacona­tor Burg­ers, Frosty Dairy Desserts and Canned Chili at 65 mph, before gen­tly drop­ping them on to a customer’s front lawn.

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Con­sumers sim­ply have to select the “deliv­er by drone tab”on the Door­Dash Mar­ket­place site and place their Wendy’s order. The meals then will be prepped, pack­aged and deliv­ered via Wing for free. All homes with­in a 2.5‑mile radius of the Wendy’s at 2355 N. Franklin Street are eli­gi­ble for the ser­vice pro­vid­ed they have a lawn or anoth­er form of land­ing pad.

Har­ri­son Shih, Senior Direc­tor of Door­Dash Labs, remarked, “We’re opti­mistic that the val­ue drone deliv­ery brings to our plat­form will be suc­cess­ful, as we work to offer more effi­cient, sus­tain­able and con­ve­nient deliv­ery options for con­sumers.”

Door­dash first part­nered with Wing in Aus­tralia dur­ing 2022. After a suc­cess­ful year-long tri­al, the drones now drop off deliv­er­ies from over 60 mer­chants. By focus­ing on Amer­i­ca, the com­pa­ny plans to expand its ser­vice to oth­er U.S cities before the end of the year. 

Mean­while, Wing is already deliv­er­ing items from 36 Wal­mart stores in sev­en states, includ­ing an expan­sion to Dal­las, Texas, last August. Begin­ning U.S com­mer­cial oper­a­tions in Chris­tians­burg, Vir­ginia dur­ing 2019, the part­ner­ship with Door­Dash is an impor­tant step in Wing’s vision of cre­at­ing what the com­pa­ny believes “can become the pre­ferred mode of deliv­ery for the mil­lions of small pack­ages that are deliv­ered every day around the world.”

Chris­tians­burg and its com­mu­ni­ty have been a vital part of drone delivery’s gen­er­al progress, mak­ing it a fit­ting place to kick off the U.S Door­Dash expan­sion, start­ing with Wendy’s.

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(News Source: https://nypost.com/)

(Images: Wing Drone Deliv­ery)

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