
Amprius Selected to Power AIBOT’s aiEVTOL Ecosystem

U.S‑based, Amprius Tech­nolo­gies, a leader in next-gen­er­a­tion lithi­um-ion bat­ter­ies, announced this week it has been select­ed by AIBOT, a devel­op­er of eVTOL air­craft solu­tions for Advanced Air Mobil­i­ty (AAM), to be its bat­tery part­ner, reports a press release. 

Amprius’ SiCore cells, which are known for their high ener­gy den­si­ty, pow­er and reli­a­bil­i­ty, will play an impor­tant role in pow­er­ing AIBOT’s aiEV­TOL ecosys­tem, which includes both its heavy-lift air car­go eVTOL drone and sin­gle-pilot, six-pas­sen­ger eVTOL air taxi air­craft. The cells are expect­ed to ensure max­i­mum pow­er and reli­a­bil­i­ty for mis­sion-crit­i­cal oper­a­tions. 

AIBOT’s aiEV­TOL drone, designed for remote­ly pilot­ed heavy-lift air car­go mis­sions, is expect­ed to be intro­duced by the end of this year.

Dr. Kang Sun, CEO of Amprius, com­ment­ed, “AIBOT’s focus on devel­op­ing cut­ting-edge autonomous elec­tric air­craft solu­tions aligns with our com­mit­ment to push­ing the bound­aries of bat­tery tech­nol­o­gy. Our SiCore bat­ter­ies offer unmatched per­for­mance in elec­tric mobil­i­ty, and we are con­fi­dent that our tech­nol­o­gy can help AIBOT achieve their goal of cre­at­ing a con­nect­ed, autonomous, and ultra-safe air­craft ecosys­tem.”

Dr Kang Sun

By using the pow­er of Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence (AI) and cut­ting-edge bat­tery tech­nol­o­gy, AIBOT’s suite of AI-dri­ven elec­tric mobil­i­ty solu­tions encom­pass­es Urban Air Mobil­i­ty, Unmanned Aer­i­al Sys­tems and Elec­tric Vehi­cles. With plans to unveil its first com­mer­cialised pre-pro­duc­tion unmanned air­craft in 2024 and bring a sin­gle-pilot, six-pas­sen­ger eVTOL manned air­craft to mar­ket in the fol­low­ing years, AIBOT is com­mit­ted to shap­ing the future of elec­tric avi­a­tion.

Max Ma, Pres­i­dent of AIBOT, remarked, “This endeav­our is not just about har­ness­ing advanced tech­nolo­gies, it’s about cre­at­ing an envi­ron­ment where inno­va­tion leads to tan­gi­ble advance­ments in com­mer­cial­i­sa­tion and sup­ply chain devel­op­ment.”

He con­tin­ued, “This col­lab­o­ra­tion is a vital step for­ward in our com­mit­ment to deliv­er­ing an aiEV­TOL ecosys­tem that is rev­o­lu­tion­ary and sus­tain­able. Togeth­er, we are paving the way for an era where AI-enhanced fly­ing is not just a pos­si­bil­i­ty, but a com­mon enjoy­able real­i­ty.”


Amprius Tech­nolo­gies SiMaxxTM bat­ter­ies deliv­er up to 450 Wh/kg and 1,150 Wh/L, with third-par­ty val­i­da­tion of 500Wh/kg and 1,300 Wh/L. To serve cus­tomer demand, Amprius entered into a lease agree­ment for an approx­i­mate­ly 774,000-square-foot facil­i­ty in Brighton, Col­orado, and expand­ed its prod­uct port­fo­lio to include the SiCoreTM plat­form.

For more infor­ma­tion



(Top image: Busi­ness Wire)

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