
Evolito Appoints Marcus Holme as New CTO “to Transform Air Travel”

UK-based, Evoli­to Ltd, announced this week it has appoint­ed a new Chief Tech­nol­o­gy Offi­cer “to trans­form air trav­el”, reports a press release. Mar­cus Holme is the appointee.

He boasts 24 years of expe­ri­ence in avi­a­tion and a fur­ther five in the auto­mo­tive indus­try. Pri­or to join­ing Evoli­to, Holme was Senior Direc­tor of Engi­neer­ing at Collins Aero­space, where he led mul­ti­ple air­craft sys­tem elec­tri­fi­ca­tion pro­grams includ­ing for the Air­bus A380 and Boe­ing 787. He has also worked for UTC Aero­space Sys­tems and Goodrich. Holme has a mas­ters in pow­er elec­tron­ics and hails from The Uni­ver­si­ty of Birm­ing­ham.

Holme is to lead the tech­nol­o­gy devel­op­ment and the future roadmap of the axi­al-flux e‑motor and propul­sion prod­uct fam­i­ly. He remarked, “The advanced elec­tric motor tech­nol­o­gy that orig­i­nat­ed for the auto­mo­tive mar­ket is being adapt­ed and improved by Evoli­to to enable aero­space appli­ca­tions where weight, effi­cien­cy and safe­ty are crit­i­cal.”

He added, “Com­bined with its lead­ing motor con­trol elec­tron­ics and bat­tery tech­nolo­gies, Evoli­to is well posi­tioned to reach scal­able and sus­tain­able elec­tric avi­a­tion.”

This new hire fol­lows an excel­lent year for the com­pa­ny, hav­ing received Design Organ­i­sa­tion Approval (DOA) from the UK Civ­il Avi­a­tion Author­i­ty for elec­tric propul­sion sys­tem prod­ucts last Decem­ber. 

Evoli­to is already work­ing with a num­ber of OEM part­ners, devel­op­ing motors and propul­sion sys­tems for a vari­ety of eVTOL, Urban Air Mobil­i­ty and fixed-wing appli­ca­tions and expects a series of cus­tomer test flights lat­er this year.

Dr. Chris Har­ris, co-Founder and CEO of Evoli­to, com­ment­ed, “The elec­tri­fi­ca­tion of flight is one of the most excit­ing mar­ket oppor­tu­ni­ties of our time, and the company’s inno­v­a­tive new tech­nol­o­gy and abil­i­ty to scale means we are well posi­tioned to meet this fast-emerg­ing demand.”


Found­ed in July 2021, Evolito’s HQ is in Bices­ter, Oxford­shire. The com­pa­ny is a lead­ing axi­al-flux elec­tric motors, pow­er elec­tron­ics and bat­tery solu­tions for aero­space appli­ca­tions.

Evoli­to has already grown its team from 15 employ­ees to over 200. It was recent­ly award­ed sec­ond place in four award cat­e­gories in the 2023 ‘Best Com­pa­nies 100 Best Places To Work’. In 2022, Evoli­to acquired and lat­er inte­grat­ed Elec­troflight bat­ter­ies into its busi­ness to offer com­plete propul­sion solu­tions that are ful­ly opti­mised for future air­craft appli­ca­tions. Amongst oth­er part­ners, the com­pa­ny works with Cran­field Aero­space Solu­tions who pro­vide motor and invert­ers for its hydro­gen air­craft demon­stra­tor, the Fres­son Project.

Evolito’s investors include B‑Flexion and Oxford Sci­ence Enter­pris­es (OSE). The com­pa­ny, along­side Holme, are attend­ing and exhibit­ing at the UK Farn­bor­ough Inter­na­tion­al Air­show in July.

For more infor­ma­tion


(Top image: Mar­cus Holme)

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