
Hyundai Motor Group Collaborates with Red Sea Global for Saudi Arabia AAM

Hyundai Motor Group (HMG) announced last week a col­lab­o­ra­tion with Red Sea Glob­al (RSG), a lux­u­ry resort devel­op­er, to explore eco-friend­ly Advanced Air Mobil­i­ty (AAM) in Sau­di Ara­bia for tourism, reports a press release. The com­pa­nies have signed a Mem­o­ran­dum of Under­stand­ing (MOU).

Under this MOU, the part­ners “In the mid to long term, will joint­ly explore poten­tial oppor­tu­ni­ties in var­i­ous fields, includ­ing elec­tric bat­tery and hydro­gen pow­ered fuel cell vehi­cles,” explains the release. “They will also research future mobil­i­ty solu­tions, such as autonomous vehi­cles, AAM and mar­itime ves­sels.”

Dongkun Lee, Head of the Future Growth Strat­e­gy Sub-Divi­sion at HMG, remarked, “This part­ner­ship sig­ni­fies our shared com­mit­ment to a sus­tain­able and inno­v­a­tive mobil­i­ty future for human­i­ty. We will accel­er­ate the val­i­da­tions and explore more long-term goals to build a green­er and smarter ecosys­tem in the region.”

John Pagano, Group CEO of RSG, added, “By work­ing togeth­er and inte­grat­ing Hyundai’s cut­ting-edge tech­nol­o­gy and eco-friend­ly mobil­i­ty solu­tions into our des­ti­na­tions, we have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to set new bench­marks in car­bon-neu­tral oper­a­tions while exceed­ing our guests’ expec­ta­tions for style, com­fort and envi­ron­men­tal respon­si­bil­i­ty.”

The part­ner­ship aims to strength­en the Sau­di King­dom’s “Vision 2030” strat­e­gy to achieve a net-zero emis­sion soci­ety by 2060.

AMAALA, the new mul­ti-bil­lion dol­lar ‘Riv­iera of the Mid­dle East’ resort on the Sau­di Ara­bi­an Red Sea coast, cov­er­ing near­ly 1,500 sq miles, is the brain­child of Saudi’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (Cred­it: Dai­ly Mail)

Last Sep­tem­ber, The Red Sea wel­comed its first resort guests and the Inter­na­tion­al Air­port has been receiv­ing a reg­u­lar flow of domes­tic flights. Inter­na­tion­al flights are set to com­mence immi­nent­ly. 

RSG is behind some of the world’s most ambi­tious devel­op­ment ven­tures, includ­ing lux­u­ry regen­er­a­tive tourism des­ti­na­tions such as The Red Sea and AMAALA. Two of the destination’s hotels are open with three more on track for 2024. One of these devel­op­ments is called the Thuw­al Pri­vate Retreat.

AMAALA remains on track to wel­come its first guests next year as part of the com­pa­ny’s Triple Bay Phase One on the Red Sea. Dubbed “The Riv­iera of the Mid­dle East”, this mul­ti-bil­lion resort cov­ers near­ly 1,500 sq. miles of lux­u­ry hotels, vil­las and shops. 

The resort, which has been built from scratch, fea­tures hotels, pri­vate vil­las, mari­nas, beach­es, high end shops, an Arts Acad­e­my and an icon­ic yacht club. The ini­tial idea for the devel­op­ment came from Saudi’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.


RSG  is whol­ly owned by Sau­di Arabia’s Pub­lic Invest­ment Fund (PIF). It is a glob­al mul­ti-project devel­op­er, seek­ing to lead the world towards a more sus­tain­able future. Under the cor­ner­stone of Sau­di Arabia’s 2030 ambi­tion, the com­pa­ny is play­ing a key role in trans­form­ing the nation to a green­er region.

For more infor­ma­tion



(Top image: John Pagano (left) Dongkun Lee (right), Sign­ing the MOU at RSG Head­quar­ters in Riyadh on March 24th)

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