
LIFT Showcases HEXA at Sun ‘N Fun Aerospace Expo, “Public Flights Sold out”

The annu­al Sun ’N Fun Aero­space event held in Lake­land Flori­da, between Tam­pa and Orlan­do, is cel­e­brat­ing its 50th Anniver­sary this year (April 9th-14th) and one eVTOL com­pa­ny is wow­ing the crowds.

LIFT is present­ly show­cas­ing its HEXA air­craft and is allow­ing the pub­lic to fly the one-manned craft after a 45 minute instruc­tion class via a sim­u­la­tor. In fact, the com­pa­ny has been already offer­ing pub­lic flights in the HEXA for sev­er­al weeks at Lake­land Air­port, with this con­tin­u­ing on until April 28th.

The demand is so strong that flight times are quick­ly being filled by an enthu­si­as­tic pub­lic who wish to be one of the first to expe­ri­ence the so-called green avi­a­tion rev­o­lu­tion. Even when the cost of using the sim­u­la­tor and all the addi­tions is USD349. 

The whole expe­ri­ence lasts approx­i­mate­ly 2 hours and includes com­pre­hen­sive ground train­ing, allow­ing cus­tomers to famil­iarise them­selves with the air­craft and its con­trols before fly­ing the HEXA in a vir­tu­al real­i­ty flight sim­u­la­tor, offer­ing a real­is­tic pre­view of what’s next. Once ful­ly trained, par­tic­i­pants pilot HEXA them­selves for 10 min­utes, all under the guid­ance of expe­ri­enced flight instruc­tors.

These flights are pos­si­ble because the HEXA is in a cat­e­go­ry that does not require a pilot’s license to fly it. The per­son­al vehi­cle was designed in 2017 and has been shown and demon­strat­ed around the world.  Some of the ear­ly test­ing was done along­side the mil­i­tary.

Matt Chasen, CEO and Founder of LIFT Air­craft, enthused, “We are incred­i­bly excit­ed to bring the future of per­son­al avi­a­tion to life with the launch of our cus­tomer eVTOL flights. We’re not just pro­vid­ing enter­tain­ment, we’re offer­ing the chance to step into a new era of mobil­i­ty. We’re push­ing the bound­aries of what’s pos­si­ble in avi­a­tion.”

The SUN ‘N FUN HEXA Sim­u­la­tor (Cred­it: LIFT)

The cost of actu­al­ly buy­ing such an air­craft when it comes on to the mar­ket this year is USD495,000. One small prob­lem. The HEXA is a bit noisy (watch video).

With over 200,000 vis­i­tors expect­ed dur­ing the week and more than 500 exhibitors, the SUN ‘N FUN show is attract­ing a lot of media atten­tion with event organ­is­er, Eric Crump, refer­ring to the HEXA as “Jet­son tech­nol­o­gy”, while being inter­viewed by Fox13 News.

Please Watch Video

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(Top image: LIFT’s HEXA)

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