
“Zipline Achieves One Million Drone Deliveries!”

Zipline, the world’s largest autonomous drone deliv­ery busi­ness, announced on Fri­day (April 19th), it had become the first com­pa­ny in his­to­ry to com­plete one mil­lion com­mer­cial drone deliv­er­ies to cus­tomers, reports a press release. As the com­pa­ny points out, “If Zipline’s autonomous soft­ware was a human pilot, he/she would have already spent more than 120 years fly­ing in the air!” 

Zipline’s zero-emis­sion autonomous drones have now achieved:- 

: Over 70 mil­lion com­mer­cial autonomous miles across four con­ti­nents.

: Deliv­ered more than 10 mil­lion prod­ucts.

: 70 per­cent of its deliv­er­ies have occurred in just the last two years.

: Most pop­u­lar com­mer­cial items are fresh pro­duce.

: Inter­na­tion­al­ly, pop­u­lar prod­ucts are child nutri­tion and vac­cines.

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Zipline’s ser­vice is grow­ing expo­nen­tial­ly. On Fri­day, the company’s inno­v­a­tive Plat­form 2 (P2) sys­tem is to be used now to deliv­er U.S orders from:-

: Fly­nn Group, the largest fran­chise oper­a­tor in the world.

: Memo­r­i­al Her­mann Health Sys­tem, one of the largest not-for-prof­it health sys­tems in Texas.

: Jet’s Piz­za, which has more than 400 loca­tions across 22 states. Deliv­er­ies begin in the greater Seat­tle, Hous­ton and Detroit metro areas.  

Zipline has rapid­ly expand­ed dur­ing the last two years cov­er­ing retail deliv­er­ies with Wal­mart, agri­cul­ture and ani­mal health efforts across Africa and food deliv­ery in Japan. Zipline is the first and only drone ser­vice oper­at­ing at such a scale in mul­ti­ple coun­tries, mak­ing a com­mer­cial deliv­ery every 70 sec­onds.

Ryan Oksen­horn, co-Founder of Zipline and Head of Soft­ware, com­ment­ed, “Over the past decade, we’ve worked hard to build a sys­tem that scaled to 1 mil­lion paid cus­tomer deliv­er­ies. In the near future, I believe that 1 mil­lion deliv­er­ies will be unre­mark­able as we reach a mil­lion deliv­er­ies in a year, in a month, and then in a day.” He added, “10 years from now, I think clean, reli­able autonomous deliv­ery of goods and ser­vices will be avail­able to every­one.”

Zipline is scal­ing up in the U.S due to recent reg­u­la­to­ry approvals of its on-board per­cep­tion sys­tem for BVLOS (Beyond Visu­al Line of Sight) com­mer­cial deliv­ery oper­a­tions. In the com­ing quar­ters Zipline aims to roll out P2, which is expect­ed to serve more than 30 mil­lion peo­ple in 10 states with­in Amer­i­ca over the next few years. 

Around 4 bil­lion gen­er­al deliv­er­ies hap­pen each year in the U.S and Zipline’s expan­sion comes at a time when more peo­ple are look­ing for con­sis­tent and con­ve­nient deliv­ery options. Meal deliv­er­ies in the Unit­ed States alone have grown by more than 350 per­cent since 2019. Zipline’s cus­tomers “high­light the mag­ic of sav­ing time.”

Zipline has flown the longest ful­ly autonomous BVLOS drone deliv­ery flights in the U.S (41 miles); and reg­u­lar­ly flies the longest autonomous BVLOS dis­tance drone deliv­ery flights in the world (130 miles). Every deliv­ery is made using elec­tric, zero-emis­sion drones, col­lec­tive­ly sav­ing over 750,000 gal­lons of gas com­pared to sim­i­lar deliv­er­ies by van or cars.

Zipline Team

The Zipline 2023 Impact Report (see link below), shows how its sys­tem has helped low­er mater­nal mor­tal­i­ty rates, pro­vide faster access to vac­cines, and improve patient out­comes around the world. 


For more infor­ma­tion


(Top image: In March 2023, Zipline released its drone Plat­form 2, or P2 Zip, which can car­ry up to eight pounds with­in a ten-mile radius, han­dling weights that it says cov­er most pack­age deliv­er­ies in the U.S. With new FAA approval for longer drone flights, the com­pa­ny says it can now also reach mil­lions of Amer­i­cans)

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