
Daedalean Announces Bas Gouverneur as New CEO

Swiss-based Daedalean, a lead­ing tech com­pa­ny that offers Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence (AI) for the avi­a­tion cock­pit, recent­ly announced that Bas Gou­verneur has been appoint­ed as its new Chief Exec­u­tive Offi­cer (CEO), reports a press release.

Gou­verneur joins Daedalean after a four-year tenure at Swiss avi­a­tion tech­nol­o­gy leader RUAG, where he served as Chief Tech­nol­o­gy Offi­cer, focus­ing on the strate­gic plan­ning and exe­cu­tion of the company’s tech­no­log­i­cal inno­va­tions.

He replaces Dr Luuk van Dijk, Founder of Daedalean, who will con­tin­ue as Exec­u­tive Chair­man of the Board and the company’s Head in its rela­tion­ship with air reg­u­la­tors, includ­ing the FAA and EASA. These changes also allow him to focus on sev­er­al impor­tant com­pa­ny tech­ni­cal projects.

After a six-month tran­si­tion phase, Dr. van Dijk will hand over the reins to Gou­verneur in Octo­ber 2024.

Gou­verneur com­ment­ed, “Daedalean has shown extra­or­di­nary capa­bil­i­ties in devel­op­ing inno­v­a­tive soft­ware and hard­ware solu­tions. I’m thrilled to dri­ve its strat­e­gy to pen­e­trate the many mar­ket sec­tors where its tech­nol­o­gy will make a rev­o­lu­tion­ary dif­fer­ence in improv­ing safe­ty and effi­cien­cy.”

Dr Luuk van Dijk

Dr van Dijk, added, “I am hap­py to hand over the lead­er­ship to some­one with such deep and exten­sive aero­space expe­ri­ence. I will con­tin­ue to lead our cer­ti­fi­ca­tion efforts and look ahead to the next inno­va­tions that will move the com­pa­ny toward the ulti­mate goal of ful­ly autonomous flight.”

Found­ed in 2016, Daedalean’s ulti­mate goal is to cre­ate an AI sys­tem that can mea­sur­ably out­per­form human pilots in all their func­tions. Cur­rent­ly, the com­pa­ny is prepar­ing the mar­ket launch of its first prod­uct for pilot assis­tance, expect­ed to be the world’s first AI-based safe­ty-crit­i­cal appli­ca­tion cer­ti­fied for civ­il avi­a­tion use. 

Emmanuel Mogenet, a com­pa­ny Board Mem­ber, said, “The board and investors would like to extend their deep grat­i­tude to Luuk for his tire­less efforts in grow­ing the com­pa­ny from three employ­ees to its cur­rent one hun­dred fifty-plus size. He will remain the vision­ary genius at the heart of the company’s suc­cess. We are opti­mistic that our inno­va­tions will meet with mar­ket suc­cess under the new CEO, whose pri­or­i­ty is to strength­en the company’s mar­ket posi­tion.” 

To fur­ther sup­port this strat­e­gy, a new VP of Prod­uct, Dr. Josch­ka Hoe­fling, joined three weeks ago. Dr. Hoefling’s pre­vi­ous posi­tion was as Chief Prod­uct Offi­cer at Swiss UAV devel­op­er UMS SKELDAR, where he man­aged the com­pa­ny’s prod­uct strat­e­gy and devel­op­ment process. 

Daedalean Engi­neer at Work

Dr van Dijk con­tin­ued, “Bring­ing on Josch­ka will yield an imme­di­ate advan­tage in ensur­ing our prod­uct-mar­ket fit. We trust him to cre­ate a tai­lored val­ue propo­si­tion for each poten­tial mar­ket and launch prod­ucts that pre­cise­ly address our tar­get cus­tomers’ pain points.” 


Daedalean has offices in Switzer­land, the EU and U.S. The team of 150+ peo­ple, includ­ing 17 PhDs and 18 pilots, pos­sess exper­tise in machine learn­ing, avi­a­tion-grade soft­ware and com­put­ing hard­ware engi­neer­ing, flight test­ing, safe­ty assess­ment and cer­ti­fi­ca­tion. The com­pa­ny is work­ing to cer­ti­fy and bring to the mar­ket the first cer­ti­fied AI-based prod­uct for safe­ty-crit­i­cal appli­ca­tions for Gen­er­al Avi­a­tion called Pilot Eye­TM , a visu­al traf­fic aware­ness sys­tem capa­ble of detect­ing non-coop­er­a­tive traf­fic. 

For more infor­ma­tion


(Top image: Bas Gou­verneur)

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