
Electra Aero Appoints Buddy Sessoms as Chief Product Engineer

Elec­tra Aero, a com­pa­ny devel­op­ing an eSTOL (Short Take-Off and Land­ing) air­craft, announced this week it has appoint­ed indus­try vet­er­an, Bud­dy Ses­soms, as its new Chief Prod­uct Engi­neer, reports a press release.

Ses­soms “will ensure a cus­tomer-focused approach to Electra’s eSTOL air­craft, designed to meet the grow­ing demand for cost-effec­tive, sus­tain­able urban and region­al air trav­el,” explains the release. 

He joins Elec­tra with over three decades of expe­ri­ence in prod­uct devel­op­ment for Piper Air­craft, Eclipse Aero­space, Sensenich Pro­pellers and Pratt & Whit­ney. 

As both Chief Prod­uct Offi­cer and Chief Engi­neer at Piper Air­craft, Ses­soms led the con­cep­tu­al design, flight sci­ences and test oper­a­tions for the Piper M600 and M700. He also helped val­i­date the prod­ucts designed under his lead­er­ship as both test pilot and flight test engi­neer, includ­ing flight test­ing the Eclipse EA500, Piper­Jet and M600 air­craft.

JP Stew­art, VP and Gen­er­al Man­ag­er of Elec­tra, remarked, “Bud­dy brings a great depth of expe­ri­ence in lead­ing air­craft devel­op­ment ini­tia­tives, guid­ing them from con­cept to cer­ti­fi­ca­tion and sus­tain­ment. He has a track record of cre­at­ing prod­ucts that are not only inno­v­a­tive but also inher­ent­ly man­u­fac­turable and com­mer­cial­ly viable.”

He con­tin­ued, “His exper­tise will be instru­men­tal as we ramp up the devel­op­ment of our pro­duc­tion air­craft, lever­ag­ing the insight gained from the ongo­ing flight test pro­gram of our eSTOL two-seat tech­nol­o­gy demon­stra­tor air­craft.”  

Ses­soms achieved a Mas­ter of Sci­ence in Mechan­i­cal Engi­neer­ing from the Geor­gia Insti­tute of Tech­nol­o­gy and a Bach­e­lor of Sci­ence in Aero­space Engi­neer­ing from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Cen­tral Flori­da. He is a mem­ber of the Amer­i­can Insti­tute of Aero­nau­tics and Astro­nau­tics, and of the Soci­ety of Exper­i­men­tal Test Pilots. He is also a for­mer Fed­er­al Avi­a­tion Admin­is­tra­tion Des­ig­nat­ed Engi­neer­ing Rep­re­sen­ta­tive and Organ­i­sa­tion Des­ig­na­tion Autho­ri­sa­tion Unit Mem­ber. 

For more infor­ma­tion


(Top image: Bud­dy Ses­soms)

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