
VIDEO: Eve Air Mobility teases short video of its full-scale non-conforming eVTOL prototype

As Eve Air Mobil­i­ty con­tin­ues pro­duc­tion of its eVTOL air­craft at its facil­i­ty in Brazil, the com­pa­ny has released a video on its social media chan­nels which shows the progress being made.

Eve’s eVTOL air­craft uti­lizes eight ded­i­cat­ed pro­pellers for ver­ti­cal flight and fixed wings to fly on cruise, with no change in the posi­tion of these com­po­nents dur­ing flight. The lat­est con­cept includes an elec­tric push­er pow­ered by dual elec­tric motors that pro­vide propul­sion redun­dan­cy with the goal of ensur­ing the high­est lev­els of per­for­mance and safe­ty.

While offer­ing numer­ous advan­tages includ­ing low­er cost of oper­a­tion, few­er parts, opti­mized struc­tures, and sys­tems, it has been devel­oped to offer effi­cient thrust with low sound. Eve will con­tin­ue to share more updates on its progress in the com­ing months.

Johann Bor­dais, CEO at Eve Air Mobil­i­ty, said: “We are mak­ing great progress on the assem­bly of our first eVTOL pro­to­type and we are on sched­ule to com­plete pro­duc­tion and begin fly­ing.

“From the begin­ning, we have been con­sis­tent and stead­fast tak­ing an holis­tic approach to Urban Air Mobil­i­ty by under­stand­ing the required ecosys­tem and infra­struc­ture nec­es­sary for eVTOL flights, devel­op­ing ser­vices and oper­a­tions solu­tions to sup­port our cus­tomers on Day 1 and launch­ing Vec­tor, an inno­v­a­tive air traf­fic man­age­ment soft­ware solu­tion. We are excit­ed to start shar­ing our progress with our eVTOL devel­op­ment.”

Last year, the com­pa­ny announced that its first eVTOL pro­duc­tion facil­i­ty will be locat­ed in the city of Taubaté, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil.

The com­pa­ny has begun assem­bly of its first full-scale eVTOL pro­to­type which will be fol­lowed by a test cam­paign. Eve has let­ters of intent for near­ly 3,000 eVTOLs and the air­craft is expect­ed to enter into ser­vice in 2026.

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Jason Pritchard

Jason Pritchard is the Editor of eVTOL Insights. He holds a BA from Leicester's De Montfort University and has worked in Journalism and Public Relations for more than a decade. Outside of work, Jason enjoys playing and watching football and golf. He also has a keen interest in Ancient Egypt.

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