
AIR Unveils “Unmanned AIR ONE Cargo eVTOL for Logistics Market”

AIR ONE, an eVTOL devel­op­er, announced this week its expan­sion into the car­go and logis­tics mar­ket with a new, unmanned car­go air­craft, reports a press release. 

The com­pa­ny, found­ed in Israel, but with a U.S oper­at­ing base in Fort Worth, Texas, has secured var­i­ous agree­ments to pro­vide an unmanned ver­sion of its AIR ONE air­craft for car­go pur­pos­es.

The release states, “Capa­ble of tak­ing off and land­ing ver­ti­cal­ly, while car­ry­ing a 550 lb pay­load, the all-elec­tric AIR ONE Car­go offers a prac­ti­cal long range on a sin­gle charge at speeds com­pa­ra­ble to the manned pas­sen­ger vari­ant.”

Dur­ing 2023, the com­pa­ny gained USD1 mil­lion in rev­enue, but with the poten­tial new car­go pur­chase orders, this could increase earn­ings by more than 5 Xs. AIR ONE has already deliv­ered its first car­go eVTOL.

This new air­craft aims to achieve a scaled pro­duc­tion vol­ume, lever­ag­ing AIR’s auto­mo­tive-based pro­duc­tion line, method­olo­gies and auto­mat­ed man­u­fac­tur­ing sys­tems. 

Rani Plaut, CEO and co-Founder of AIR, com­ment­ed, ”We expand­ed our offer­ings in response to strong mar­ket demand. The feed­back we’ve already received affirms that AIR ONE’s robust capa­bil­i­ties and sim­ple, cost-effec­tive design make it an extreme­ly agile plat­form, able to scale across dif­fer­ent uses.”

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Mean­while, AIR announced its par­tic­i­pa­tion in the U.S Air Force’s AFWERX Agili­ty Prime pro­gram in Decem­ber, to dri­ve flight test­ing and addi­tion­al R&D efforts in Amer­i­ca. 

The com­pa­ny con­tin­ues to amass sig­nif­i­cant flight test hours with its full-scale pro­to­types after suc­cess­ful­ly prov­ing all phas­es of flight. With 1,170 AIR ONE vehi­cles for per­son­al use already reserved via pre­order, the com­pa­ny plans to deliv­er the first batch of air­craft to con­sumers fol­low­ing suc­cess­ful cer­ti­fi­ca­tion. 

For more infor­ma­tion


(Top image: AIR ONE car­go eVTOL)  

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