
Pegasus Aero, Catec and Bluenest by Globalvia Sign Partnership “to Create Centre Dedicated to Testing and Validating Drones”

Pega­sus Aero Group, CATEC (Advanced Cen­tre for Aero­space Tech­nolo­gies), and ver­ti­port devel­op­er, Bluen­est by Glob­alvia, signed this week a part­ner­ship agree­ment, reports a press release. It coin­cid­ed with the UNVEX 24 event in Barcelona (June 4th-5th), the largest Euro­pean get-togeth­er of unmanned air­craft pro­fes­sion­als.

The facil­i­ty, to be locat­ed in Aerópo­lis (Seville), “will main­ly devel­op projects for test­ing unmanned plat­forms, instal­la­tions and ser­vices in ver­ti­ports and flight tests with drones in urban areas,” explains the release. “This com­ple­ments oth­er ini­tia­tives that are being devel­oped in Seville in rela­tion to UAS and advanced air mobil­i­ty.” 

The cen­tre will fea­ture state-of-the-art facil­i­ties, includ­ing a sec­tion of the Self­i­af heli­port, a sub­sidiary of Grupo Pega­sus, where CATEC researchers will be able to con­duct flight tests, avion­ics’ checks, pay­loads assess­ments, main­te­nance oper­a­tions and drone pilot train­ing, among oth­er uses. 

In addi­tion, Bluen­est is to have a team of expert engi­neers in infra­struc­ture and IT “that will devel­op an advanced oper­a­tional solu­tion for advanced ver­ti­ports for large autonomous drones and elec­tric pas­sen­ger air­craft in col­lab­o­ra­tion with oth­er enti­ties with com­mon ini­tia­tives,” con­tin­ues the release. 

Pega­sus will con­tribute its more than 50 years of expe­ri­ence as an oper­a­tor of manned air­craft and, in the near future, also unmanned craft to the devel­op­ment of pro­ce­dures and sup­port in the man­age­ment of per­mits with the com­pe­tent author­i­ty. 

Bluen­est received the 2022 City Award from Open House Madrid for the Best Mobil­i­ty Pro­pos­al

The main focus is to be on the val­i­da­tion of infra­struc­ture and drones specif­i­cal­ly designed for urban air mobil­i­ty (UAM). These improve­ments can be used for a vari­ety of appli­ca­tions, such as par­cel deliv­ery, traf­fic sur­veil­lance, air taxis and infra­struc­ture inspec­tion, along­side oth­er ser­vices. In addi­tion, these three enti­ties will work “to incor­po­rate knowl­edge agents and uni­ver­si­ties into the project.” 

Joaquín Rodríguez, Gen­er­al Direc­tor of CATEC, com­ment­ed, “This col­lab­o­ra­tion rep­re­sents a sig­nif­i­cant leap for­ward in Andalu­si­a’s capac­i­ty for the val­i­da­tion of UAS tech­nolo­gies and urban air mobil­i­ty. It brings togeth­er three enti­ties with a recog­nised track record in the sec­tor, who are com­mit­ted to devel­op­ing this new type of mobil­i­ty, there­by adding new ini­tia­tives to con­tin­ue boost­ing the busi­ness fab­ric.”

José Igna­cio Rodríguez, Gen­er­al Direc­tor of Bluen­est by Glob­alvia, remarked, “By join­ing forces with nat­ur­al and strate­gic part­ners in urban air mobil­i­ty, we mul­ti­ply the results and reach.” 

And José Luis Quiros, Inno­va­tion Direc­tor of Pega­sus, added, “The com­ple­men­tar­i­ty of the three part­ners, each bring­ing very rel­e­vant capa­bil­i­ties in their area of exper­tise, can only lead to a faster and more sol­id progress towards achiev­ing our goals and con­tribute to posi­tion­ing Seville as a ref­er­ence in the field of urban mobil­i­ty.”

The agree­ment was signed by the Inno­va­tion Direc­tor of Pega­sus Aero Group, Jose Luis Quirós, the Gen­er­al Direc­tor of CATEC, Joaquín Rodríguez, and the Gen­er­al Direc­tor of Bluen­est by Glob­alvia, José Igna­cio Rodríguez. 

For more infor­ma­tion

(Top image: Sign­ing the Agree­ment at UNVEX 24)

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