
PODCAST: Danny Kamenecka of Blueshift reveals why its product line of material solutions are so important to AAM

Our next pod­cast episode is live! This week, we were delight­ed to be joined by Dan­ny Kame­nec­ka, Senior Busi­ness Devel­op­ment Man­ag­er at Blueshift.

In this episode, Dan­ny intro­duces us to Blueshift and what exact­ly the com­pa­ny does. He goes into detail about its prod­uct line of which mate­r­i­al solu­tions are most used in the Advanced Air Mobil­i­ty mar­ket.

We asked Dan­ny if there was a par­tic­u­lar gap in the mar­ket that Blueshift had iden­ti­fied, and as the com­pa­ny plays in sev­er­al oth­er indus­tries, we talk about some of the oth­er projects the team are work­ing on.

Dan­ny then shares his thoughts about the main chal­lenges in avi­a­tion and defense and why Blueshift’s tech­nol­o­gy is so impor­tant.

Click on the Play but­ton below to lis­ten to the episode, which is also avail­able on whichev­er pod­cast plat­form you lis­ten to.

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Jason Pritchard

Jason Pritchard is the Editor of eVTOL Insights. He holds a BA from Leicester's De Montfort University and has worked in Journalism and Public Relations for more than a decade. Outside of work, Jason enjoys playing and watching football and golf. He also has a keen interest in Ancient Egypt.

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